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BALLET in the late 20th early 21st centuries De emphasized plot continues Dance for dance s sake first function Old stories made new with new choreography music and eventually The combination of ballet with other dance forms such as modern post Streamlined abstract set and costume design modern jazz and world dance DUENDE A contemporary take on the Sylphide Choreography Nacho Duato 1991 Music Claude Debussy Performance National Dance Company of Spain 1 What makes this particular choreography unique in your mind Acrobatic ballet 2 Is the movement different from that of neoclassical ballet Balanchine How so More flow much closer to the ground closed in movements weaving not as tight Men continue have more of a role 3 How has the Sylphide changed More acrobatic women barefoot SWAN LAKE A contemporary take on the fairy tale Choreography Matthew Bourne 1997 Music Peter Tchaikovsky Performance Adam Cooper The Swan With artist from Bourne s adventure in Motion 1 What differentiates Bourne s choreography from Petipa Ivanov s Core is individual Dark mysterious 2 Beyond the obvious how are the swans different Movements are more aggressive all men independent movement not all as one body make up and costume represent swans more bodies painted white heads shaved black beak over forehead more swan like in the way that they move 3 How do you think the story may have changed Different story Men as swans instead of women Challenging us to look beyond our assumptions and still the same story RITES Mixture of modern ballet and aboriginal The Rite of Spring revisited Choreography Stephen Page 1997 Music Igor Stravinsky Performance Bagarra Dance Theatre and the Australian Ballet 1 What makes this contemporary ballet Spider legged things thrown at the ballerina water resistant costumes not as much graceful flow 2 Do the other elements meet your expectations for ballet production Life orchestra suspense and build up sophistication lighting fully costumed incredibly painted stage production elements 3 How has the ballerina changed Ballerina on the ground more Evolution of the BALLET COMPANY Classically oriented Repertory Companies Size 40 90 dancers classical structure Repertory choreography that is performed classical neoclassical choreography many also commission contemporary choreography School most have school that offers professional ballet training Examples include New York City Ballet est 1948 90 dancers Joffrey Ballet est 1956 40 dancers Contemporary Repertory Companies Size 10 25 dancers all dancers equal no principals no soloists Repertory contemporary choreography from variety of artists School NO some many offer workshops Examples include Rambert Dance Company est 1926 London England

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