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Court Dance Renaissance Period about 1400 A D 1700 A D Characteristics Secular activity Entertainment Reinforced social standards a way to keep people in line recognition TOUCH proximity physical contact changed with progression of time Folk dance polished by the nobility Important Figures and Contributions Catherine de Medici 1519 1589 Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx 1535 1587 Le Ballet Comique de la Reine Catherine de Medici responsible for this Fete festival The Queen s Ballet Comedy was produced at the Louvre in 1581 A spectacular party or FETE that included Food Dance Music D cor Story 18c FRENCH COURT SUN KING Louis XIV 1638 1715 Placed dance at the forefront of court culture Splendor Refined Elegance Harmony Opulent Ornamentation Nobility of Mind Body Space between bodies not touching partner Upright posture Intricate steps Interlaced floor patterns One couple at a time according to social order Ex The bridal dance 18c FRENCH COURT DANCE Participates Unique movement characteristics NOTICE Use of space Relationship to time through music Energy Audience A CONSUMER of dance Individual or group of individuals who participate in dance through witnessing and responding to performance Viewer Perspectives What effects audience experience 1 Reason for attending 2 Expectations 3 State of mind feelings 4 Preparation for the performance 5 Personal experience in dance style subject matter Appreciation Acknowledgement of the performance Further recognition of the value of the performance Additional Participants Composer Musician Costume designer Set designer Visual Artist Lighting designer Multi media artist Still more

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