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Dance Participants After the Renaissance Period Choreographer A creator of dance Individual who utilizes the medium of movement to create and express Dancer Audience The Creative Process The Act of Choreography Requires DISCIPLINE and FOCUS There is NO FORMULA Choreography tends to develop INDIVIDUAL APPROACH Every choreographer must consider the same basic elements o Space o Time o Energy THE STAGE SPACE UP STAGE DOWN STAGE STAGE RIGHT CENTER STAGE STAGE LEFT SPACE 1 Shape and Line 2 Level 3 Direction 4 Focus 5 Points in Space 6 Stage Directions 7 Floor Pattern 8 Depth and Width TIME 1 Tempo speed 2 Pulse underlying beat 3 Phrasing rhythmic pattern 4 Meter time signature 5 Felt time no counts 6 Breath phrasing 7 Stillness 8 Sounds words silence ENERGY 1 The force behind the movement 2 The capacity to overcome gravity resistance 3 Tells us what the dancer is feeling 4 Affects how we feel Movement Composition Movement Phase Collection of movements that work together to make a definitive statement a sentence Clear beginning middle and end Transitions Link movement phases together so that definitive statements become large whole Determines the feel of the piece Additional Elements Music time and energy Costume space Props space Set space Light space and energy Multimedia space time energy

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