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Renaissance and Contemporary Periods Dance was 1 More codified 2 Focused on the individual artist 3 Becoming a professional endeavor 4 Characterized according to class Work Folk Noble Court Dance Ballet Folk Dance European Social community oriented Typically danced in a circle Men women dance together Live music Some parts dedicated to skills by gender Court Dance Bugaku dance Gagaku music Plots are typically abstract Focuses on single significant episode from a larger storyline Movement follows philosophy of JO HA KYU o JO clear introduction o HA development o KYU rapid ending Contemporary Periods across cultures world dance with many different techniques styles Migrating Combining Drawing on everything that has gone before Looking ahead to new possibilities The Dance Experience Some cultures still maintain traditional dance forms though the context and conventions have changed for most In some cultures dance is a separate pursuit practiced by a limited portion of society Dance continues to reflect the concerns of society through ritual ceremony and entertainment

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KSU DAN 27076 - Renaissance and Contemporary Periods

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