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Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic Period Ancient Period and Medieval Period Dance was Influenced by socio political events Purposely aesthetic Combined with other art forms Religious rituals CEREMONY Formal sacred observance Gestures adhere strictly to conventional forms External display Contemporary Counterpart Wedding Rites of passage Bharata Natyam Principal Classical Indian Dance Form Began as a worship in Hindu temples Women starting as young girls dancing in honor of temple Deities Formal classes and set performance structures developed Graceful arm movements very soulful Ways of attributing and interpreting the name Sanskrit Language BHA Bhav feelings expression RA Raga melody tune TA Tala rhythm Together it describes a dance that tells a story through expression melody and rhythm Polynesian Dance Hula in Hawaii describes a genre of dance Began as a worship Became celebration to entertain royalty Hand gestures now were more important as language fades song or chant PRIMARY way to transmit meaning Language Language and Worship Entertainment and Hand Gestures TWO TYPES OF Hula 1 Kahiko old style ancient style with chants and percussion only drums and boards Head and shoulder leis skirts and anklets Men and women bare Kahiko meaning of the old chested 2 Auana modern style western music and instrumentation with more elaborate costumes Haka of New Zealand Description No women just men Stick out tongues smack chests scratch themselves tattoos Purpose To show dominance over another group Video Kuma Hula Keepers of a Culture 1 The whole community participates Men women and children 2 Unique movement characteristics include props costumes repetitive movements and chants 3 Purpose To communicate with higher power portray what is around them and dedicate to something someone Medieval Period Dance was Banned by most European religions unless used to glorify the church Flourishing in Islamic lands as ritual ceremony and entertainment Similarities between East and West Universal Symbols Mandela and labyrinth Bedouin United Arab Emirates meaning wanderers who are constantly traveling Ayala Bedouin dance Symbolic of War MUSIC always part of dance SYMBOLIC instruments POETRY or language song or chant PRIMARY way to transmit meaning

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KSU DAN 27076 - Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic Period

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