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Emily Schprechman August 31st 2011 Anthropology The study of remains of cultures The science of human beings Anthropological Approach A broad and flexible definition is defined as movement that is Dance o Purposeful o Intentionally Rhythmic o Culturally patterned sequences of Non verbal body movements Other than ordinary extraordinary motor activities Motion having inherent and aesthetic value All existing at the same time Dance False Positives Ice skating jumping in a pool Aesthetic Beauty what is it o Purposefully crafted or fashioned o Culturally defined o Requires shared knowledge o Meaningful on numerous levels First Function Immediate Ex Wassily Kandisky Elements experienced for their own sake Black Line No 189 1913 Art for art s sake Second Function Transcendent takes one beyond themselves Ex Edvard Munch Specific meaning communicated Uses culturally defined symbols The Scream 1893 Five time periods beginning with Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods Dance Through Time Dance was Used for communication Done to worship and appease G ds Focused on fertility Land hunt and gathering Basic and imitative of nature Ritual Ritual Tribal everyone is involved Spontaneous Anonymous unself conscious Expresses CORE VALUES No deliberate aesthetic concerns Contemporary Ritualistic Experiences include Dancing in a mosh pit or at a rave Participating in the wave at a ball game These are unchoreographed experiences in which we lose ourselves

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