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Terms Term learning Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Second order conditioning Law of Effect Thorndike Parallel Processing Declarative memory Episodic memory Semantic memory Schema Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Normative model of decision making Descriptive model of decision making Example Definition An enduring change in behavior resulting from experience Associating an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response Associating a behavior with a consequence Associating a conditioned stimulus with a stimulus that is related to the unconditioned stimulus rather than the unconditioned stimulus itself Any behavior that leads to a satisfying state of affairs will be more likely to occur again while any behavior that leads to an annoying state of affairs will be more likely to occur again Human s attend to a specific system of analyzing information out of our multiple systems by blocking out the rest Explicit memory Remembering specific information Implicit memory The system underlying unconscious memories Knowledge that can be declared Memory for one s past experiences Memory for knowledge about the world A hypothetical cognitive structure that helps us perceive organize process and use info Using a belief or rule to determine if a conclusion is valid Using examples or instances to determine if a rule or conclusion is likely to be true Humans always make the optimal choice that will yield the largest gain Humans sometimes make mistakes or act irrationally even when they know probabilities when making a decision Think of bottom up processing Think of top down processing Somatic markers Bodily reactions that arise from the emotional evaluation of an action s consequences 7 Sins of memory transience absentmindedness blocking misattribution suggestibility bias persistence Theories of Intelligence Gardner each person has a unique pattern of intelligence and none should be viewed as smarter than the other Linguistic Logical mathematical interpersonal intrapersonal bodily kinesthetic musical spatial Sternberg people have analytical practical and creative intelligences Spearman people have an underlying general capacity g Motivation Emotions Components of Emotions Subjective experience Physical changes Cognitive apprasal Circumplex Model of Emotions Theories of Emotion James Lange emotion is the result of perceiving specific patterns of bodily responses Cannon Bard information about emotions is processed separately but simultaneously in the cortical and subcortical structures resulting in an emotion from the cortex and a physical reaction from the subcortex Schacter Singer a situation invokes a physiological response and a cognitive interpretation

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