1 18 12 Ageism in Society Ageism o Systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against an age group o Ageism occurs when there is any prejudice or discrimination against or in favor of an age group o Attitudinal o Behavioral Stereotypes beliefs All elderly people are Older adults may internalize these attitudes Discrimination Inappropriate negative treatment o At one point everyone is vulnerable to the effects of ageism Theoretical basis of ageism o Fear of death in western society o Emphasis on youth s culture o Emphasis on productivity o Manner in which aging was originally researched Only studied institutionalized old people o Intersects with other systems of discrimination Problems with ageism o Prevents full participation in Social networks Occupation Families Racism Sexism Etc Outcomes of ageism o Isolation from community o Inadequate housing income o Unnecessary institutionalization o Untreated mental and physical illnesses New ageism o Tendency to help older adults because all older people must need help o Ageism takes many forms Media Images have improved over time but older adults remain underrepresented in films tv Anti aging ads o Pressure to hide signs of aging o Justify ageism Gender and the media o Women appearance o Men performance Relationships Interactions with family members can be demoralizing Excessive dependence too much care Often excuse patronizing behavior of family Medicine Physicians and older patients o Limit number of older patients o Invest less time with older patients o Older women s concerns trivialized Mental health prescriptions vs therapy Geriatrics poorly reimbursed Long term care options and funding Employment More entrenched than other types of discrimination Fastest growing form of complaints to equal employment opportunity commission Negative stereotypes about aging and productivity Older workers are perceived as o Disinterested in promotion o Less flexible o Expensive for company o Slow learners Public policy Criticized as benefitting the old at the expense of the young healthcare social security etc o Strategies to reducing ageism Reduce individual ageism Slogans benefits of aging media personal contact and models of successful aging Changing social structures Economy family housing Challenge reluctance to cite label ageism Focus on healthcare educate judges professionals students etc about ageism
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