GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 14 STRESS Stress o acute stress o chronic stress stressor sources of stress long term stress stress nonspecific response to real or imagined challenges or threats short term stress that is usually caused by adaptive changes long term stress caused by a maladaptive stress something happened and changes are not occurring to make the stress go away environmental stimulus that produces physical and psychological effects o catastrophes cataclysmic events natural or human caused disasters that cause a person more stressful to a person if they are intentional and if they are in close proximity of the event happen suddenly effect a lot of people could develop post traumatic stress disorder PTSD post traumatic stress disorder PTSD severe and prolonged response to trauma vivid intrusive recollections of the trauma anxiety depression aggression sleep and eating issues first found in post war veterans but now found mostly in women rape and violence against them o women are more susceptible o unhealthy environments life events poverty often creates environmental stressors crowding poor housing lack of access to resources higher rates of violence modern city live creates stress called urban press crowding pollution noise commuting combination more stressful than each individual factor affects all city dwellers rich and poor all of these things combined are called urban press o can be physical and psychological could be a force for natural selection o discrimination life events more perceived discrimination more mental health problems 1 3 of population feels like they have been discriminated against for some reason low level jobs tend to be more stressful but high level jobs discrimination due to race ethnicity immigration sex gender roles sexual orientation o personal factors life events work related stress can still be stressful low control more stress working night shift working overtime pressures for deadlines feeling underappreciated emotional and physical exhaustion lowered productivity and burnout feeling of isolation caused by work related pressures caused by the work related stress unemployment stress opposite extreme of work related stress Personal Factors and Stress personal relationships o supportive relationships reduce stress balancing work and family marriage o adjustment to marriage o conflict o unfulfilled expectations lack of time deadlines other stressors for children o bullies o school o lack of control life events emphasize importance of change o usually effect one person or a small group of people o occur slowly over time Responses to Stress physiology of stress o arousal of autonomic nervous system sympathetic division increased heart rate shallow and faster breathing higher blood pressure sweating palms pupil dilation o two ways of arousal direct to sympathetic to amygdala and pituitary gland and then to sympathetic Stress Health heart disease o lifestyle and behavior influence the development of heart disease influence type A behaviors vs type B behaviors type A competitive impatient always in a hurry o linked to heart disease characteristics of hostility and anger anger triggers same physiological responses as stress in the body type B calm patient less hurry infectious disease o stress affects the immune system those with higher stress are more likely to get sick nervous endocrine and immune systems o psychoneuroimmunology relate to disease study of behavioral neurological and immune factors as they health related behaviors o behaviors used to cope with stress can have negative health effects o poor health can lead to other disorders ex eating disorders o five crucial healthy behaviors smoking drinking alcohol overeating poor nutrition 7 8 hours of sleep a night Moderate alcohol consumption no smoking regular exercise ideal weight o those with two or fewer behaviors more likely to get sick and die earlier barriers to healthy behaviors o environmental factors o psychological factors ways of thinking optimistic bias health psychology disease prevention health promotion positive focus easier to make unhealthy choices than it is to make healthy choices one does not feel like what they re doing will hurt them o subfield of psychology that uses psychological principles to enhance health
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