GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 7 INTELLIGENCE lecture pg 213 229 10 20 History of Intelligence beginning of o Sir Francis Galton o Henry Herbert Goddard first to start studying intelligence but not given credit American psychologist given credit for first studying intelligence known for a book about degrading immigrants Jews Hungarians Italians etc were among feeble minded led to giving tests and banning from schools to sterilize of feeble minded those who didn t pass were given help o French Education reforms French government wanted to give children of all classes ability to go to school hired Albert Binet psychologist and Simon physician to figure out a way to test people s natural intelligence the intelligence quotient IQ group compute average score test to estimate a child s mental level age o William Stern 19140 mental age o Lewis Terman 1916 USA ratio IQ and multiply it by 100 avg IQ is 100 statistic obtain by diving mental age level by the person s physical age deviation IQ group multiplied by 200 individual score divided by score of people in same age o now age alone does not increase IQ today ratio IQ is used for children and deviation IQ for adults Intelligence Testing intelligence testing measures the ability to answer questions and perform tasks o different types of tests SBIS Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale looks at IQ mental age actual age multiplied by 100 good indicator of academic performance revisions of this test are still used today four major revisions since 1916 o original Stanford Binet was used to test children into schools now tests five factors o fluid reasoning o visual spatial reasoning o quantitative reasoning o knowledge o working memory ages 2 85 of subsets administered varies by age not the most popular intelligence test today WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale most popular individual assessment of IQ used today tests and separates verbal and performance skills tests intelligence more broadly than just academic intelligence WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WPPSI Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence What is Intelligence Definitions vary across cultures o American academic skills emphasized o China humility essential o many African cultures interpersonal skills included intelligence circumstances and learn from experiences o intelligence is expressed in behavior theories of intelligence o Spearman s Factor Theory hypothetical mental ability that enables people to direct their thinking adapt to their o Thurstones Factor Theory based on factor analysis large number of correlations into a small number of underlying factors two factor theory of intelligence specific ability s affects specific and particular tasks student of William Wundt general ability g affects all tasks and based on factor analysis hypothesized there was no general factor but seven specific factors mental abilities eg word fluency verbal comprehension number space memory perceptual speed reasoning o Gardner s Theory Gardner s multiple intelligences theory defines intelligence as an ability to solve a problem or create a product within a specific cultural setting multiple types of intelligences and culture goes along with intelligence o varies the measurements so look at intelligence profile ability across different types of intelligence he specified ten different types of intelligence Gardner s multiple intelligences linguistic poets journalists logical mathematical scientists math musical composers pianists spatial navigator sculptor bodily kinesthetic dancers athletes interpersonal therapist salesperson intrapersonal introspective individuals naturalistic botanist chef spiritual religious leader existential philosopher o Sternberg s Intelligence Theory allows for prodigies and savants there are three dimensions of intelligence analytic intelligence right answer like a math problem ability to solve problems in situations with one practical intelligence world and everyday tasks application of one s experiences to the external o may become automatic with practice o harder to develop o more to do with everyday life creative intelligence solutions in new ways being able to adapt ability to deal with novel situations and think about o not included on most intelligence tests or theory o Sir Francis Galton s Theory biological theory of intelligence intelligence is inherited proof intelligence is adaptive table 9 3 o hemispheric specialization o some brains are more efficient use of neurons o twin studies biological theories are not sufficient enough Environmental Factors of Intelligence level of education parents level of education family environment birth order gender race Changing Improving Intelligence intelligence can and does change o generally not dramatic maturity of brain does affect intelligence the Flynn Effect years average IQ score has increased by 0 3 every year or 15 points in the past 50 o better nutrition parenting visual spatial skills etc unsure of cause o not genetic too quick for microevolution cognitive enhancers drugs that enhance ability to improve intelligence o gene manipulation studies smart mice genetically enhance mental and cognitive abilities to increase LTP long term potentiation given drug to impact hippocampus and increase memory eugenics
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