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Unit 25 Water Is An Essential Nutrient Chapter 15 18 19 20 23 25 is what you are responsible for the Exam Tuesday December 9th from 10 15 AM 12 30 PM 12 3 08 Key Concepts and Facts Water is an essential nutrient Deficiency symptoms from too little Toxicity symptoms from too much Functions include Maintenance of body hydration and temperature Removal of waste products Participation in energy formation Major source of fluoride Availability and quality threatened Without any water we can only live for about 6 days We require about 10 cups of water per day 6 from drinking and 4 from foods we eat Usually men need 12 and woman need 9 Different foods have various water contents The average person is about 60 70 water Different tissues have different water contents Fat cells are 10 bone is 22 muscle is 75 and blood is 83 Foods that are considered a liquid are liquid at room temperature Normally thirst indicates our need for water During strenuous activity thirst can t keep up with our water needs The ideal sports drink is a sports drink that has less than 6 of a carbohydrate coming from calories Health Benefits of Water Decreases risks of cancer of the Colon Breast Bladder Decrease risks of kidney stone formation People feel and perform better when adequately hydrated Water Safety Municipal water quality is monitored by local water utilities and is regulated by the EPA Microbial contaminates Organic contaminants Inorganic Contaminants Bottled Water Safety FDA regulates all bottles water that crosses state lines Guidelines differ for bottled tap water spring water and mineral water FDA considers bottled water a low risk product Bottling plants are inspected about every 5 years in the U S Imported waters are tested upon entry to U S

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Unit 25- Water Is An Essential Nutrient

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