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Unit 19 11 24 08 All cholesterol Is Not Equal Cholesterol must be emulsified to mix with blood Cholesterol in blood is bound to a lipoprotein which is soluble in water several different types exist HDL Cholesterol is good cholesterol high levels wanted in blood LDL Bad Cholesterol HDL and LDL HDL helps remove cholesterol from the blood escorts it to the liver for excretion High HDL 40 mg dL in men and 50 mg dL in women protects against heart disease LDL carries more cholesterol than HDL LDL cholesterol gets incorporated into plaque High LDL increases chances of atherosclerosis and heart disease Triglycerides and CVD Risk Triglycerides are transported and attached to VLDL cholesterol High levels of triglycerides increase heart disease risk The efforts to prevent and treat heart disease should include a focus on blood triglyceride levels Who is at Risk High cholesterol levels Hypertension Smoker Inactive Family history of heart attack before age 55 Obese or have diabetes or high blood pressure Premature baby less that 5 5 pounds Risks for Women and Men Heat disease is a major health problem of women It is the leading cause of death among women in many countries Risk factors indentifies in studies of men do not always apply to women The risk of heart disease for women increases with women going through menopause Diet Lifestyle in the Management of HD Many factors are involved in the development of heart disease treatment needs to be broad Treatment includes Reduction of high blood pressure Body weight Drugs Smoking cessation Goals of heart disease treatment are improved overall health and blood lipid profiles Heart healthy diets and lifestyle reduce the risk of Some types of cancer Diabetes Stroke Osteoporosis Dementia Obesity Blood Lipid Levels Total cholesterol is sum of the levels of LDL HDL and VLDL cholesterol Dietary recommendations for heart disease focus on consumption of specific types of fat and foods that lower levels of LDL and triglycerides and raise levels of HDL adequate intake of folate and vitamins B6 and B12 are recommended to decrease elevated homocysteine levels HDL levels can be increased by exercise weight loss and inclusion of soy protein products and nuts in the diet Recommendations say consume fats and foods that lower LDL and maintain triglyceride and HDL Cholesterol lowering drugs are fro treatment of heart disease if blood lipid changes achieved by diet and lifestyle improvements are insufficient Statins Stains Lipitor Zocor and Mevacor markedly reduce cholesterol production in the liver Use related to a 30 drop in LDL levels and 30 40 reduction in heart attack and stroke in both women and men Statins improve blood lipid levels more when combined with dietary and lifestyle changes than when uses alone Unit 20 Vitamins Key Concepts and Facts Vitamins are chemicals in food required for normal growth and health Adequate intakes protect people against deficiency diseases and prevent chronic diseases Every vitamin has a range of intake where it functions best 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetable is how to get most of your vitamins each day Helps build and maintain body tissues Have anti oxidant roles Do not give us energy like we think they do

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