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Unit 10 Controlling Weight in America Weight Control Is most successful if the dieter makes small acceptable changes 44 of women and 30 of men are trying to lose weight Only 5 10 of those who lose weight keep it off most gain it back 29 000 weight loss products and services cost Americans 33 billion per year 120 per person 10 20 08 10 23 08 The public wants a quick fix Who Protects Us On Weight Lose Federal Trade Commission Food and drug Administration FDA Everything is just a moneymaker Refer to Table 10 1 Reference to Table 10 2 Monitors deceptive use of weight lose products and services Included a clinically proven or doctor approved statement 1 Use testimonials before and after photos 2 Promise rapid weight loss 3 Require no special diet or exercise 4 Guarantee long term weight loss 5 6 Make a safe natural or easy claim Products and Services that Work May Diet pills Meridia and Xenical Fad weight loss diets Organized weight loss programs Loads of false and misleading weight loss advertisement appear in the media Here is a list if the top six features of weight loss ads that make false or misleading claims No program die product or clinic has produced long term success in more than 5 10 of people who use it They are often very different from what we are accustomed to Why Are Diets So Unsuccessful They are often hard to follow It s easy to slip off the diet and cheat People want a quick fix that works Drastic Measures Fasting abruptly just stop eating Stomach Surgery Liposuction Diet Pills Meridia Enhances satiety feeling of fullness Xenical Blocks dietary fat absorption in the gut Also blocks oil soluble vitamin absorption Over 6 12 months both lower weight about 10 bus weight regain is common after discontinuation Fat Weight Loss Diets Atkins s New Diet Revolution Weight Watchers Pure Points Program Rosemary Conley s Eat Yourself Slim Diet Organized Weight loss Programs Slim Fast Plan Zone Diet Jenny Craig Weight Watchers Slim Fast ediets Dean Ornish Others Most provide support and or food Drastic measures Fasting Caused intestinal starvation The bloodstream provides the balance Mucus and cells are lost from the GI tact linings May also result in rebound weight gain Drastic Measures Gastric Bypass A method of last resort 50 80 of intestinal nutrients are provided by the food we eat Done only in patients with a BMI of 40 or 35 40 who have health problems related to their weight Can reduce weight by 30 and most can maintain the lost weight Many risks of complications during and after surgery Very expensive some insurance are paying for most of it 25 000 Stomach is stapled shut leaving a pouch that can hold about 2 tablespoons normally the stomach hold 4 cups The part of the small intestine that the stomach drains into is connected to the pouch to drain it through the rest of the system Can only eat a little amount at a time after the surgery Complications can occur 22 during the hospital stay and up to 40 during the first 6 months after the surgery People can stretch the pouch by eating more than they should be eating

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