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10 6 08 Unit 7 How the Body Uses Food Key Concepts and Facts Our bodies are a continuous state of renewal Materials used to renew body tissues come from food we eat in the form of nutrients Digestion and absorption are processes that make nutrients in foods available for use by the body Digestive disorders are common and often related to dietary intake Small Intestine Most energy nutrients are broken down to their building blocks in the small intestine Most nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine Large Intestine Absorption Water sodium and some of the end products of bacterial digestion are absorbed from the large intestine Bacteria partially digest fiber and complex carbohydrates that we can t digest These bacteria excrete gas and fatty acids that can be absorbed in the large intestine Substances that cannot be absorbed are excreted as feces The rectum stores waste products for elimination the anus is what will keep it closed or open it up when needed Absorption The end products of digestion are taken up by Lymphatic vessels Fatty acids from fat breakdown Fluid has substances to bind fat and carry it to bloodstream Blood Vessels Carbohydrates and protein breakdown products for distribution to the body Portal veins carry water soluble nutrients to the liver Reference to diagrams of persons Beyond Absorption Cells use nutrients directly for energy body structures or the regulation of body processes or convert them into other usable substances Glucose can be used as is for energy or converted to glycogen or fat and stored for later use Fatty acids can be incorporated into cell membranes lipoproteins or converted to certain hormones or converted and stored as fat Vitamins and minerals from digestion are used by cells to control enzyme activity or stored for later use The body has a limited storage capacity for vitamins and minerals Water soluble vitamins and minerals are more likely to be excreted because we take in so many of Fat soluble vitamins and minerals are stored more to much can be toxic them Digestion and Absorption Approximately 92 99 of protein fat and carbohydrate we consume are digested and absorbed Most of the dietary fiber is undigested bacteria digest some Constipation and Hemorrhoids Constipation and hemorrhoids are due to diets with too little fiber Adults need fiber intakes of 25 to 30 grams per day plus plenty of fluids Eat lots of fruits and vegetables not bananas they cause constipation This regimen will help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids in healthy people Some people become constipated because they tend to hold elimination Ulcers Remember that our stomachs are very acidic Develop when protective stomach or duodenum linings part of your small intestine are damaged Stomach acid and digestive enzymes erode the lining s and cause an ulcer Duodenal ulcers are 10 times more common than stomach ulcers are closely associated with Helicobacter pylori H pylori bacteria Infections of this are high in countries that are poor sanitary conditions Heartburn Caused by excessive stomach acid defective lower esophageal sphincter Causes a burning sensation in the esophagus Stress anxiety frequent use of chronic aspirin and other anti inflammatory medicines fatty foods coffee alcohol citrus fruits soft drinks and other foods are involved High fiber diets protect against development of ulcers and heartburn Weight gain in women and eating within 3 hours prior to going to bed increase symptoms 10 8 08 Treatment includes Helicobacter treatment Stress reduction Elimination of offending foods Eating small frequent meals Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS Colon or bowel spasms lead to painful cramps Gas production bloating diarrhea and constipation are common features of IBS Mild IBS is treated with low fat diets counseling fiber anti diarrhea pills and pain medication Serious IBS responds to stress reduction eating in relaxed surroundings anti depressants and drugs that reduce colon muscle spasms Probiotics or friendly bacteria help colonize the colon Friendly microorganisms help protects and heal the colon lining These are being increasingly used to treat IBS Diarrhea Common in the US a leading public health problem in developing countries Most due to bacterial or viral contaminated food or water lack of immunizations against infectious diseases and deficiencies of various nutrients Depletes the body of fluid and nutrients and produces malnutrition At least 5 to 6 loose bowls per day Severe diarrhea leads to dehydration heart and kidney malfunction and death 3 5 million deaths from diarrhea occur annually to children five years old or younger Prevention With food and water sanitation programs immunizations and adequate diets Avoid sugary beverages as these draw fluid into intestinal tract Foods such as yogurt lactose free or regular milk chicken potato s and other vegetables beans and rice and other cereal provide nutrients to help repair the intestinal tract B R A T Diet Bananas Rice Apple Sauce and Tea Diet Flatulence Gas Everyone gets it It is caused by swallowing air or by bacteria May develop in any part of the gut they know you can move food Bacterial Production of Gas After operation you are looking for a patient to have gas because that way Is related to fiber in beans broccoli cauliflower Brussels sprouts onions corn and other vegetables Is a by product of carbohydrate digestion Can accompany heart burn and other disorders Stomach Growling Not only due to hunger Due to gas in the stomach Most audible when stomach is empty Lactose Mal Digestion Lactose mal digestion is genetically caused by low production of lactase and enzyme that digests lactose Less common in children than adults People lacking lactase have free lactose in their large intestine after consuming milk or milk products containing lactose Asian Americans have higher lactose Refer to chart Symptoms Occur in large intestine large intolerance Bloated feeling Diarrhea due to fluid accumulation Gas and abdominal cramping Caused by bacteria that digest lactose Treatments Lactase treated milk products Fermented milk products Fortified soymilk DO NOT ELIMINATE DAIRY PRODUCTS FROM YOUR DIET Calcium is needed and important Lactose tablets can be taken to avoid complications when consuming milk products Milk Milk solids mike and other lactose containing components of milk may be added to foods you wouldn t expect So it s best to examine food ingredient labels Milk is a primary ingredient in sherbet milk solids

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Unit 7: How the Body Uses Food

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