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9 10 08 Unit 4 Understanding Food and Nutrition Labels Key Concepts and Facts People have the right to know what is in the food they buy Labels give information so people can make informed decisions Labeling regulations cover the type of foods that must be labeled and set standards for the content and format of labels Labeling is Relatively New 1990 1993 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act was passed Nutrition Labeling and Education Act rules were finalized and published Present Rules on labeling and implementation revisions are ongoing For instance 60 of supermarkets must now provide nutrition information available in the form of posters cards or pamphlets located near fresh produce meat and seafood What foods must be labeled Dietary supplements Foods containing more than one ingredient mostly processed foods If a claim is made low fat low calorie etc makers and restaurants must display nutrition information backing the claim 9 12 08 Foods that don t require a label Fresh produce fruits and vegetables Fresh meat and seafood Bite size candy kisses peppermints etc Foods sold by small businesses bakeries restaurants food stands Exemptions may be lost if they make a health claim or list a nutrient on the label Restaurant Food Nutrient Composition Fast food restaurants typically supply composition at their web sites On site information is rarely complete inside restaurants Information for the healthiest items is available in about two thirds of major chain table service restaurants What is required on a Label Trans fat became required on Nutrition Facts panels in 2003 Food companies had until January 1st 2006 to implement this requirement Trans fats are found primarily in shortenings margarines frying oils used in fast food restaurants and bakery goods High intake of trans fat is related to the development of heart disease and consumers are being urged to consume as little of it as possible Content of these nutrients is based on standard serving size defined by FDA Standard serving sizes are established for over 131 foods If something says its low in fat its only 3g of fat or less per serving Must contain fewer that 20 mlg of cholesterol per serving to be considered low in cholesterol If something says low sodium it must have 140 mlg or less to be considered low in sodium Nutrition Claims If food labels make claims about a nutrient or ingredient they must include nutrient or ingredient on labels Other rules for including nutrition and health claims exist 40 of food products sold makes a nutrition claim on packaging Claims trustworthy if approved by the FDA The terms used must conform to standard definitions If something says fat free means the product contains between 95 98 fat free by weight Lean meat products contain less than 10 grams of fat 4 5 grams of saturated fat and trans fat combined and 95 mlg of cholesterol per serving If something is stated low calories it must only contain 40 calories or less per serving Refer to figure 4 7 in textbook Approved nutrition claims list is growing Approved claims cannot make foods appear healthier than they are Foods have to meet standards for nutritional value to qualify for a claim Terms like pure 10 fat or all natural have not been approved They do not represent benefits and have no standard definition These claims are hard to trust Health Claims FDA S model claim for labeling fruits and vegetables is Low fat diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer a disease associated with many factors Foods high in fat saturated fat cholesterol or sodium and low in certain vitamins minerals or fiber cannot be labeled with a nutrition claim Enriched or Fortified Vitamin and mineral content of food is increased by enrichment and fortification Definitions established more than 50 years ago Enrichment pertains only to refined grain products where thiamin riboflavin niacin and iron lost in milling are added 9 15 08 Enriched or Fortified Cont By law producers of bread cornmeal pasta crackers and white rice from refined grains must use enriched flours 1998 law requires folate to be added to refined grain products to reduce the risk of neural tube defects Enrichment and fortification was added to prevent deficiency diseases such as rickets pellagra and goiter Increasingly foods are fortified to reduce risk of chronic disease such as osteoporosis cancer and heart disease Energy bars sports drinks and hydration fluids and margarines are fortified with vitamins and minerals for sales appeal Consumption of fortified foods increases risk of exceeding ULs Upper Level Limits of nutrients Regular use of multiple vitamins and mineral supplements and liberal intake of fortified foods raises the chance that excessive amounts of some nutrients will be consumed All ingredients must be listed in descending order amount present by weight Ingredients causing allergic reactions milk solids peanuts sulfites egg whites must also be listed on the ingredient label Food Additives on the Label Any substances added to a food that becomes a part of that food or affects its characteristics Food additives must be listed 3000 chemicals are added to food to enhance its flavor color texture cooking properties shelf life or nutrient content Salt Sugar Food Coloring Food additives on FDA s GRAS General Required As Safe list can be used with pre approval New ones must be approved prior to use Dietary Supplement Labeling Any product taken in intentionally to supplement a diet Dietary supplements must be labeled Regulated by common rules Not drugs so no vigorous testing Cannot claim the products treat cure or prevent disease Supplement Facts Dietary supplements must include a Supplement Facts panel Panel lists serving size ingredients and percent Daily Value DV How much is recommend of essential nutrients ingredients Products can be labeled with a claim such as high in calcium or low fat if product qualifies according to nutrition labeling regulations Structure or Function Claims Structure of function health claims such as improves circulation supports immune system and helps maintain mental health must acknowledge that the FDA does not support the claim This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent and disease is printed on labels of dietary supplements Dietary supplements labeled with misleading or untruthful information and those that are not safe can be taken off the market and the

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Unit 4: Understanding Food and Nutrition Labels

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