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Gabriella Tringali Professor Schreier Psych 111 3 February 2011 Extra Credit 1 Multiple Choice Section 1 A principle contributor to cognitive psychology is a Sigmund Freud b Ivan Pavlov c Jean Piaget d Roger Sperry 2 During sleep your body is immobilized by electrochemical messages from your brain that paralyze your muscles a Stage 2 b Stage 3 c Stage 4 d REM 3 The quality of a tone from low to high the number of times particles oscillate per second is known as 4 transmit messages away from the cell body to other neurons muscles or a Pitch b Amplitude glands a Dendrites b Axons c Frequency d Timbre c Glial cells d Soma 5 Schizophrenia has been linked to over activity at synapses a Dopamine b Acetylcholine c Serotonin d Norepinephrine 6 The lobe is involved in memory perception and emotion It contains the auditory cortex a Frontal b Parietal c Temporal d Occipital 7 Most brain activity occurs at the where a nerve impulse is either passed from one neuron to the next so that it continues on or is inhibited and stopped a Septal Area c Synapses b Cerebellum d Medulla 8 involves poor sleeping for 2 3 weeks caused by ongoing stressors as well as medical problems a Short term Insomnia c Chronic Insomnia b Transient Insomnia d Combat Insomnia 9 holds that perception of pitch corresponds to the vibration of different portions or places along the basilar membrane a Frequency theory b Place theory c Auditory theory d Sensory theory 10 Zimbardo s Stanford Prison Study and Milgram s Obedience to Authority would be considered research studies a Developmental c Personality b Cognitive d Social 11 When mental events are inaccessible to our awareness it is referred to as a Conscious c Unconscious b Preconscious d Postconscious 12 The relays motor impulses out of the brain and directs incoming sensory messages to higher centers a Hypothalamus c Amygdala b Thalamus d Hippocampus 13 According to the unconscious contains thoughts memories and desires that are well below the surface of conscious awareness but that nonetheless exert great influence on behavior a Wilhelm Wundt c Sigmund Freud b G Stanley Hall d John B Watson 14 are particularly well suited for investigating certain phenomena especially the roots of psychological disorders and the efficacy of selected therapeutic practices a Surveys c Observations b Experiments d Case studies 15 The theory states that all human behavior is controlled by environmental factors including the stimuli that provokes behaviors and the consequences that follow response choices a behaviorist c developmental b physiological d personality Short Answer Questions 1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of descriptive correlational research Descriptive correlational research methods allow psychologists to explore issues that might not be open to experimental investigation This type of research allows for investigation where experiments are not possible or ethical It can observe real world phenomenon However these research methods cannot demonstrate cause effect relationships or conclusions 2 What are the four lobes that make up the cerebral hemispheres Where are they located What are their functions The four lobes are the occipital lobe parietal lobe temporal lobe and frontal lobe The occipital lobe is located at the back of the head It includes the visual cortex where most visual signals are sent and visual processing is begun The parietal lobe is located forward of the occipital lobe It includes the primary somatosensory cortex which receives information about pressure pain touch and temperature The temporal lobe is located below the parietal lobe It contains the primary auditory cortex which involves memory perception and emotion The frontal lobe is located at the front most part of the brain It is also the largest lobe in the brain and contains the motor cortex which is responsible for making plans initiative and creativity 3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of experimental design The main advantage of experimental research is that is permits researchers to draw conclusions about cause and effect relationships between variables No other research method can duplicate the strength of the experiment A disadvantage is that they are often artificial and may not have real world applicability because of the great control needed for experiments to be successful Another disadvantage is that the experimental method can t be used to explore some research questions Experiments are also not appropriate for all areas of inquiry due to ethical or practical limitations 4 What is the retina What makes up the retina and what are their functions The retina is the neural tissue lining the inside back surface of the eye It contains specialized sensory neuron absorbs light processes images and sends visual information to the brain The retina processes images but is a piece of central nervous system that happens to be located in the eyeball The optic disk is a hole in the retina that yields a blind spot We don t experience it as a hole because each eye compensates for the blind spot on the other The retina contains two types of light sensitive receptor cells called rods and cones Rods outnumber cones Cones are specialized visual receptors that function best in bright light and color vision Cones do not respond well to dim light which is why you don t see color very well in low illumination Rods are visual receptors that function best in dim light They are primarily black white brightness receptors that have more sensitivity to light than cones Rods have no color sensation Rods and cones translate waves into nerve impulses which pass through the retina 5 What is the difference between structuralism and functionalism Structuralism was based on the notion that the task of psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements are related This theory emerged through the leadership of Edward Titchener Structuralists wanted to identify and examine the fundamental components of conscious experience such as sensations feelings and images They depended on the method of introspection or the careful systematic self observation of one s own conscious experience Functionalism was based on the belief that psychology should investigate that function or purpose of consciousness rather than its structure The emergence of functionalism is due to William James James s thinking illustrates how psychology is embedded in a network of cultural and intellectual influences Structuralists

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