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EXAM 5 Study Guide CHAPTER 12 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 Social Categorization the assignment of a person one has just met to a category based on characteristics the new person has in common with other people with whom one has had experience in the past a Stereotype members of a particular social category set of characteristics that people believe is shared by all i Not always negative although are very limiting causing people to misjudge what others are like and often to treat them differently as a result b In group AND Out Group Homogeneity groups out groups are more similar to each other but we recognize the variability among members of our own group we assume people of other i This contributes to prejudice because when someone from the out group does something wrong we wrongly assume that is characteristics of a WHOLE group 2 Prejudice negative attitude held by a person about the members of a particular social group ATTITUDE a Discrimination treating people differently because of prejudice toward the social group which they belong BEHAVIOR i Ageism Sexism Racism etc b Realistic Conflict Theory theory stating that prejudice and discrimination will be increased between groups that are in conflict over a limited resource c Robber s Cave Study 11 and 12 year old boys at camp i They were separated and put in highly competitive activites which resulted in name calling and hostility ii The boys were forced into a situation of equal status contact which the groups have equal status with neither group having power over the other contact between groups in d Brown Eyes Blue Eyes Jane Elliot blue eyed children were given priviledges such as extra recess and getting to leave early for lunch blue eyed kids were told they were superior to the brown eyed kids Blue eyed children soon were criticizing belitting and were vicious in their attacks on the brown eyed students two days later the roles were reversed i Test scores reflected the treatment received by the outgroup is a stunning one raising questions about the effects of prejudice and discrimination on the education of children who are members of a stereotyped out group e Jigsaw Classroom educational technique in which each individual is given only part of the information needed to solve a problem causing the separate individuals to be forced to work together to find the solution 3 Altruism prosocial behavior that is done with no expectation of reward and may involve the risk of harm to oneself a Bystander Effect referring to the effect that the presence of other people has on the decision to help or not to help with help becoming less likely as the number of bystanders increases i 9 EFFECTS react 1 Noticing self absorbed 2 Defining an emergency ambiguous see how others 3 Taking responsibility especially if alone 4 Planning a course of action can I help 5 Taking action any risks 6 Mood more likely if good but not if wreck 7 More likely to help if woman especially from man if 8 Less likely if racial ethnic differences btwn people 9 Less likely if look like you deserve it alcohol drug attractive abuse etc CHAPTER 13 PERSONALITY 4 Personality VS character and Temperament a The unique specific to that person constellation of traits motives and behaviors Assumption these are generally consistent stable and predictable over time and situation i Character ii Temperament value judgment of a person s moral and ethical behavior integrity honesty loyalty compassion words believed now to underlie or partially determine personality inborn emotional reaction pattern with the 5 FOUR Theoretical Perspectives on Personality These perspectives used to explain disorders and determine treatments interventions too which one is right they all have value many theories within each perspective as well a Psychoanalytic personality what we see reflects unconscious forces and conflicts b Behavioristic including social cognitive theory personality consists of learned responses or habits c Humanistic focus on aspects of personality that make us human such as subjective feelings need for personal growth and freedom of choice Maslow Rogers d Trait Perspectives attempts to describe personality characteristics and predict future behavior less focus on development generally biologically based with recognition of role of environment 6 Freudian Vocab a Conscious aware of immediate surroundings and perceptions b Preconscious info that is available but not currently conscious c Unconscious thoughts feelings memories wishes that aren t easily or voluntarily brought into consciousness d Id reservoir of psychic energy present at birth and completely unconscious i Operates under the pleasure principle seeks the immediate satisfaction of needs survival sexual and aggressive needs without regard for the consequence e Ego develops out of a need to deal with reality mostly conscious rational and logical mediates between reality id and later superego operates under reality principle seeks to satisfy demands of id in realistic ways f Superego acts as a moral center internalized ideals i Ego ideal ii Conscience how well behavior matches ego ideal part that contains standards for moral behaviors part that produces pride or guilt depending on g Pleasure Principle principle by which the id functions the h i immediate satisfaction of needs without regard for the consequence Reality Principle principle by which the ego functions the satisfaction of the demands of the id only when negative consequence will not result Results from our attempts to resolve unconscious conflicts to balance impulse desire with needs of society restraint i ex defense mechanisms attempts to minimize tension by distoring or denying reality 1 denial projection displacement 7 3 things Psychodynamic Theorists AGREE on a much on mental life is unconscious b struggle with inner conflicts between wishes fears values and reality c childhood experience shapes personality and relationships a How much of our personality is believed to be inherited 8 Personality Inheritance i 9 Trait a A consistent way to think feel or behave 200 theories look to identify those that are important to day to day functioning the ones that can account for human differences ii Source traits i Surface traits traits that can easily be seen in the outward actions of a person the more basic traits that underlie the surface traits forming the core of personality each source trait may contribute to many surface traits 10 THE BIG FIVE a Model of personality

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