Friday October 2 2009 No a fool learns from experience A wise man learns from the experience of others Otto von Bismarck 1815 1898 announcements Study Group Tutoring For This Class Eastway Center Mon and Wed 6 30 7 30 pm Open to all Classical Conditioning and You Examples of CC in real life bio emot Phobia General good bad feelings Advertisers Medical Treatments Drug overdoses This video demonstrates CC can you identify the CS the UCS the CR and the UCR The Pavlov Altoid Theory Video Can Pigeons Read http www youtube com watch v FT STqN2GjM This video shows a pigeon that reliably turns when the sign says turn and pecks when the sign says peck How can this be Through operant conditioning Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning learn change voluntary beh because of its consequences Problem Solving Cats thorndike http www youtube com watch v Vk6H7Ukp6To Thorndike studied cats to see if they could problem solve their way out of a puzzle box instead he decided they learned how to get out by trial and error and then repeated the things that worked in later experiences this observation led to his Law of Effect Operant conditioning and Thorndike s law of effect Operant Conditioning Thorndike s Law of Effect states Responses followed by pleasurable consequences are repeated increase Responses followed by unpleasant consequences are not repeated decrease Skinner s Contribution Behaviorist studied observable measurable behavior Gave operant conditioning its name Learning depends on what happens after the response the consequence A typical Skinner Box Reinforcement R Reinforcement event or stimulus after that increases chance response will occur again Primary reinforcer naturally reinforcing meets a biological need hunger thirst or touch Secondary reinforcer becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforcer praise tokens or gold stars Positive and Negative Reinforcement Positive reinforcement reinforce by adding or experiencing something pleasurable Negative reinforcement reinforce by removing or allowing escape or avoidance from something unpleasant Example Taking aspirin for a headache is negatively reinforced removal of headache Shaping Shaping R simple steps that lead to a desired more complex behavior Other Operant Conditioning Concepts Extinction occurs if the behavior response is not reinforced Spontaneous recovery reoccurrence of a once extinguished response How can this mom extinguish this girl s tantrum behavior 3 Kinds of Learning Classical Conditioning reflexive associations Operant Conditioning consequences you get rewards or punishments change behavior Social Learning Theory observational learning consequences you see others get change behavior
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