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Cardiac muscle cells Cannot undergo tetanic contraction Receptors for acetylcholine are located on the Motor end plates At rest active sites on the actin are blocked by Trepomyosin molecules The structure that overlies the organ of corti is the Tectorial membrane The axons of neurons that innervate regions of smooth muscle cells divide into branches that contain swollen regions called Varicosities Adrenergic synapses release the neurotransmitter Norepinephrine Skeletal muscle fibers differ form typical cells in that muscle fibers Have many nuclei Each skeletal muscle fiver is controlled by a motor neuron at a single Neuromuscular junction Perception of gravity and linear acceleration depends on The force exerted by otoliths embedded in gelatinous material on hair cells The rapid rise and fall in force produced by a muscle fiber after a single action potential is A twitch Cross bridges are portions of Myosin molecules The pituitary hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular secretion of testosterone is LH luteinizing hormone Which of the following description best matches the term stereocilia Bending these produces receptor potential in hair cells At rest the tropomyosin molecule is held in place by Troponin molecules The nervous system controls the skeletal muscles Somatic efferent Neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus manufacture ADH and oxytocin The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is FSH follicle stimulating hormone When an external force bends the sterocilia of the inner ear hair cells There is a change in the transmembrane potential of the hair cells Cardiac muscle cells can transmit action potentials to one another because Gap junctions connect the cells Peptide hormones are Composed of chains of amino acids The hypothalamus controls secretion by the adenohypophysts by Secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for Muscle contraction The plasma membrane of skeletal muscle is called the Sarcolemma A hormone that helps to regulate the sodium ion content of the body is Aldosterone Hormones known as catecholamines are Derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine Which of the following best describes the term sarcomere Repeating unit of striated myofibrils The provides the principle link between the nervous and endocrine systems Hypothalamus The posterior pituitary gland secretes ADH Gravity and linear acceleration are sensed in the Saccule and utricle Movement of the endolymph in the semicircular canals Signals rotational movements of the head Steroid hormones of their target cells Bind to receptors in the nucleus or cytoplasm The parathyroid gland produce a hormone that Increases the level of calcium ions in the blood is the measurement of the height of a sound wave and determines its loudness whereas is the cycle per second and determines the sound wave s pitch Amplitude frequency Which of the following is NOT an effect of cortisol Induce inflammation When skeletal muscle is repeatedly stimulated the tension the fiber develops eventually decreases This is called Muscle fatigue After a steroid hormone binds to its receptor to form an active complex Gene transcription is initiated The frequency of perceived sound depends on Which part of the basilar membrane is stimulated Hormone release may be controlled by which of the following factors There are too few receptors for a hormone The receptor cells used in the inner ear are called Hair cells The release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland are regulated by Hypophysiotropic hormones What is the primary hormone that affects calcium balance Parathyroid hormone The sense of equilibrium and hearing are provided by receptors of the Inner ear The predominant female sex hormone is Estradiol The condition called goiter is caused by Iodine deficiency Which of the following acts as an ATPase during the contraction cycle of muscle Head portion of myosin molecule Which of the following hormones is not secreted by the adrenal cortex Epinephrine During the cross bridge cycle the power stroke is generated specifically by ATP hydrolysis Efferent motor neurons synapse with smooth muscle cells at motor end plates False False Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fast glycolytic skeletal muscle fibers High fatigue resistance An increase in the cytosolic Ca2 of arteriolar smooth muscle results in vasodilation In resting skeletal muscle strands of the protein are coiled around actin Tropomyosin In smooth muscle the enzyme that phosphorylates myosin thus activating the myosin ATPase is called Myosin light chain kinase Myosin ATPase is located on the light chains that form part of the myosin head structure True A given skeletal muscle may be innervated by one motor neuron True In skeletal muscle the myosin head is said to be energized when The myosin light chains are phosphorylated Following a single action potential in skeletal muscle enough Ca2 is usually released to saturate troponin True Which of the following is NOT a difference between the length tension relationships of skeletal muscle and urinary bladder smooth muscle The optimal muscle length of urinary bladder smooth muscle is approximately equal to its length at rest while the optimal length of skeletal muscle occurs at some length greater than its resting length During excitation contraction coupling in skeletal muscle which of the following correctly indicates the order in which action potentials are propagated Plasma membrane lateral sacs transverse tubules Which of the following types of muscle is striated in appearance Cardiac and Skeletal Which contraction type below describes a skeletal muscle contraction in which the tension generated by the muscle is less than that of a supported load Isometric In smooth muscle the cells function as independent units and generally are not connected by gap junctions Multi unit The effect of epinephrine on the B adrenergic receptors of arteriolar smooth muscle is vasoconstriction False The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle cell is also referred to as the Sarcolemma Norepinephrine is released by nerves of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system that innervated the heart Accelerator Ca2 release from the lateral sac of the sarcoplasmic reticulum occurs via opening of the receptor Ryanodine Which of the

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U of A BIOL 2213 - Cardiac muscle cells

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