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Comm401 Final Review 05 13 2014 April 9 April 2 April 3 April 8 April 10 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 29 April 30 May 1 May 6 May 7 May 8 RFK Pericles epidictic Narrative Analysis Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness Psychoanalytical Analysis Writing Workshop 1 Writing Workshop 2 Writing Workshop 3 The Yes Men Fix the World Eco and our faith in fakes H A The Culture Industry Adorno CI Revisted Debord McLuhan Dorfman Mattelart Dery May 13 May 15 21 Final Exams Harold Culture Jamming Exit Through the Gift Shop Critical Projects Due Narrative Analysis dealing with stories values Assumptions stories are symbolic have meaning stories create social realities linking human experiences and humans make sense of the world by the stories the tell about it Stories reveal o admired traits o values o belief systems o world views ideologies movies stories retelling way author views world Key Components characteristics of narratives have themes Structure Characters Peripeteia Voice o so what motifs they are trying to address o time how does the story relate to time linear chronological o behaviors emulate want to repeat or not bad guys o plot twists characters experience reversals of fortunes o perspective story being told from Style o language choice visual language choice for visual stories c and white color Problems If you re focusing on the story you miss out on the experience interpretation of other people Judgments made in narrative analysis other standards need to be applied can not be used on its own must add another form of analysis to answer so what doesn t answer so what by itself Walter Fischer s Narrative Paradigm Model narrative paradigm stories are the primary model of human symbol use KBs Pentad can take elements of pentad into ratios putting parts of pentad ratios pairing together to see how they work together correlate Example of Narrative Analysis Heart of Darkness Psychoanalytical Analysis main influence by Sigmund Freud Assumptions Human thought and behavior are products of the interaction of the conscious and unconscious Conscious and unconscious are products of childhood There is a central motivating force of unconsciousness o Libido unconscious drive Human behavior is both personal and social The centrality of the dream metaphor o Symbolis apropos meaning of dream appropriate justification Trinity of Psych Ego o ID personal desires pleasure o Super Ego social constraints of society reality o Example iceberg model above water ego a little super ego to show normality Coding mechanisms for dreams Condensation parts of stories condensed into ONE dream narrative Displacement moving blame to avoid problems Dramatization concept that we are the center of the world Inversion messages get flipped around Identity themes Oedipus Elektra complexes o Oedipus wants to avoid horrible things he has done blinds himself hates his father loves his mother o Elektra hates her mother loves her father Eros and Thentos o Eros love o Thantos death and destruction Problem with Psychoanalysis Inside of our heads Epideictic Pericles Funeral Oration ritual rhetoric ex Kennedy Speech ceremonial oratory to be used as praise or blame during a ceremony opening closing festivals funerals anniversaries Pericles Funeral Oration famous speech by Pericles Athenian politician given at the end of the first year of the Peloponnesian War as part of annual public funeral for the war dead Travels in Hyperreality Eco reality but try to improve on it hyperreality aka the Absolute Fake imitation s don t merely reproduce not just the reproduction or reality but make the reproduction create an improved event better of the reality effects of mass culture reproduction an object imitation replaces the original the replacement imitation is more real than the real what is real and what is fiction are blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins provides people with the sense that you will no longer feel any need to see the original work What do we gain by taking part in the hyperreality experience Get a lot more unique information don t need to go to Paris anymore can just go to Epcot Illusions technology can give us more reality than nature can not witnessing someone else s dream you are in the dream Reading Notes way contemporary culture is not full of re creations and themed recreate realistic fabrications in effort to come up with something gives us things that are more exciting beautiful inspiring terrifying generally more interesting than what we encounter in environments that is better than real everyday life characterization of this age offering us something that seems better than real in order to sell us something Eco tours America to get look at imitations and replicas on display in nation s museums and tourist attractions American landscape is being re created in the image of fake history fake art fake nature fake cities ex wax museums cultural mutation make max figure of Mona Lisa which was never 3D was a painting of just a face toy cities Western theme towns buildings are stage sets actors in costume engage in mock gunfights for benefit of visitors Absolutely fake cities Disney Theme Parks o ultimate expression of hyperreality everything is brighter larger more entertaining o make reality seem disappointing ex artificial Disney river you see animatronic imitations of animals go down real river don t see any animals missing Disney o technology can give us more reality than nature can o still tricks of capitalism in fanciful toy town go into the shops interior always disguised as supermarket you buy believing you are still playing o Disney place of total passivity visitors must agree to behave like robots now in building landscaping today it has become reproductions fake nature fake art fake history fake cities fake toy city Law Vegas has become city of imitations turning itself into the worlds first urban theme park The Culture Industry Enlightenment as Mass Deception Horkheimer Adorno School in Frankfort Club of philosophers men women Collection of like minded people main people Teddy Adorno Horkheimer School of Neo Marxist social theory Every member use Marxism Apply Marxism to art culture stories movies music Culture industry termed by Adorno and Horkheimer they propose that popular culture is like a factory producing standardized cultural goods movies magazines music etc that are used to manipulate mass society into

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UMD COMM 401 - Final Review

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