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Criminology 203 Study Guide Final Exam 5 8 14 1 What is the difference between mala in se and mala prohibita Mala prohibita prohibited by law Mala in se just bad in nature 2 What is the difference between manifest functions and latent functions Manifest functions intended consequences Latent functions consequences that are unintentional 3 What is a theory Why are theories important Theory an attempt to develop a reasonable explanation of reality System of ideas intended to explain something that may lead to a hypothesis 4 What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable Independent stands alone and isn t changed by other variables Dependent Depends on is influenced by other variables 5 What are the five major types of data gathering strategies What are the strengths and weaknesses of each Unobtrusive measures Strengths naturalistic Weaknesses no control cant quantitate Case studies Strengths rich qualitative data Weakness no general application Participant observation Strengths naturalistic qualitative overcome prejudice Weakness ethics over connected with group Strengths quick and dirty Weakness need big samples sampling bias honesty Social surveys Experiments Strengths qualitative Weakness experimenter bias 6 What is the dualistic fallacy Provide an example The assumption that society is exclusionary two classes Ex Criminals and non criminals 7 What are three major ways that researches obtain information regarding crime What are the strengths and the weaknesses of each Uniform crime report gets data of 94 of population but only takes into account P1 crimes and doesn t reflect unreported crimes National crime victimization survey Qualitative data but subject to lying Self report measures 8 What arguments fro the aging out explanation for age crime trends can be used to explain why juveniles commit a disproportionate number of property crimes Relate your answer to Developmental life course theories Juveniles commit a number of property crimes because they may lack positive social bonds Criminal behavior changes over the course of ones life grow out of it eventually age related norms 9 What is the crime switching explanation for age crime trends What types of crimes are aging criminals supposedly switching to Crime switching switching types of crimes they commit white collar crime become smarter and commit crimes police don t focus on as adults 10 What is secondary victimization Victim is traumatized again through participating in criminal justice process Vicarious victimization trauma workers victim advocates family members community members experience trauma due to others victimization increased fear and anxiety 11 What is a victim offender mediation meeting and what benefits might victims and offenders experience as a result of participating in such meetings What types of perpetrators should this strategy be used with Face to face meetings with a mediator who helps with communication Most effective for us serious crimes Mental health benefits for victim and reduces repeat of offense for offenders 12 Be ale to define and distinguish homicide and different categories of manslaughter and murder Manslaughter is homicide without malice Murder is homicide with malice 13 What weapon type is used in 66 of murders Firearms 14 What are some examples of policies are using to combat gun crime Buy back programs patrolling gun crime hot spots 15 What are some arguments for and against gun control Against right to bear arms personal night to hone firearm protection For reduce the number of violent crimes 16 How does social disorganization theory explain violent crime Greater strain Fewer social control 17 How do the concepts culture of violence and subculture of violence explain violent crime Culture of violence is due to traditional historical factors that explain high violence levels in US relative to other nations Subcultures of violence such as southern and some ethnic or lower class groups legitimize violence more than others 18 Be able to relate social learning theory and differential association theory to violent crime and the cycle of violence Exposure to violence through social learning and differential association can increase risk of committing violent acts and continuing the cycle of violence 19 What is intimate partner violence What policies have been enacted to reduce it What are the goals of those policies Physical sexual or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse Policies violence against woman act providing civil services to 1up victims 20 What are the four forms of child abuse we discovered Which one is almost always present when other forms of abuse are identified What policies have been enacted to reduce child abuse How do these policies work Physical social neglect emotional psychological Policies state protection of child victims began in 1866 under authority of the society for the protection of cruelty of animals 21 What is elder abuse What policies shave been enacted to reduce it How do these policies work Physical attacks verbal abuse stealing meds and social security checks Special statutes elder abuse act 2010 22 What does lack of consent mean You wont have the ability to consent or you have not given consent Can t consent due to mental disabilities etc 23 How prevalent is sexual assault among woman 10 20 of women get sexually assaulted at one point in their lives at least 24 What reasons are given by victims for reporting their sexual assault experiences to police What reasons are given by victims for not reporting their sexual assault experiences to police For stop incident by reoccurrence or escalation improve police surveillance Not police wouldn t help personal matters 25 What do most experts believe is the primary cause of rape Is it primarily fueled buy an aggressive desire to dominate the victim or is It primarily an attempt to achieve sexual fulfillment Sexual gratification Isolation and emotional issues Exploit power imbalance to meet needs primarily fueled by an aggressive desire to dominate the victim 26 Are most sex offenders are listed on the Sex Offender Registry Why or why not No 64 of rapes are not reported Only 5 of offenders are convicted and register 27 Discuss why violence against women is a men s issue Bystander intervention 28 What policies have been enacted to reduce sexual assault How do these policies work Education violence against woman act better police training bystander intervention

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UAlbany CRJ 203 - Study Guide

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