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FINAL SG Part A Material Since the Second Midterm 100 points Get 5 1 Russian Revolution 1917 2 NEP 1971 3 Hitler comes to power 1919 4 Hyperinflation in Germany june 1921 5 Beer Hall Putsch November 8 9 1923 6 March on Rome 1922 7 Stalin s Collectivization 1928 8 Hitler Annexes Austria march 12 1938 9 Kristallnacht November 9 1938 10 Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa june 22 1941 11 The Wannsee Conference January 20 1942 12 Hungarian Revolution crushed by USSR nov 4 1956 13 Building of the Berlin Wall 14 The Prague Spring 1968 15 Gorbachev comes to power 1985 16 Fall of the Berlin Wall august 19 1989 17 The Velvet Revolution November 17 1989 18 Solidarity formed in Poland 1990 19 Yugoslav Civil War Begins 1991 20 Break up of the USSR December 26 1991 21 First Chechen War august 1996 22 Sovereign Debt Crisis 1998 august 1961 Section II 40 points Fill in the blanks 1 Appeasement 2 Katyn Forest Massacre was a mass execution of Polish citizens ordered by Soviet authorities on March 5 1940 Originally Katyn massacre referred to the massacre at Katyn Forest of Polish military officers in the prisoner of war camp It now is applied to the simultaneous executions of POWs from geographically distant Starobelsk and Ostashkov camps and the executions of political prisoners shot on Stalin s orders at Katyn Forest 3 Jasenovac 4 Show Trials 5 Nuremberg Trials 1935 were denaturalization laws passed in Nazi Germany They used a pseudoscientific basis for racial discrimination against Jewish people Four German grandparents were of German blood while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents A person with one or two Jewish 6 T 4 Program was a program in Nazi Germany officially between German people needed to be cleansed of racially unsound elements which included people with disabilities The program set important precedents for the later Holocaust of the Jews of Europe 7 Truman Doctrine 1947 Declaration promising U S economic and military intervention whenever and wherever needed for the sake of preventing further communist expansion 8 Vichy France describes the government of France from July 1940 to August 1944 This government which succeeded the Third Republic officially called itself the French State following the military defeat of France by Nazi Germany during World War II and the vote by the National Assembly 1940 9 Berlin Airlift 1948 the supply of vital necessities to West Berlin by air transport primarily under U S auspices It was initiated in response to a blockade of the city that had been instituted by the Soviet Union to force the Allies to abandon West Berlin 10 Resistance Movements 11 Charles De Gaull was a French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first President from 1959 to 1969 12 Srebrenica refers to the July 1995 killing of more than 8 000 6 Bosniak men and boys as well as the ethnic cleansing of 25 000 30 000 refugees in the area of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina by units of the Army of Republika Srpska VRS under the command of General Ratko Mladi during the Bosnian War re 13 Anschluss the 1938 annexation of Austria into Greater Germany by the Nazi regime 14 Night of the Long Knives 15 Kristallnacht The Nazi destruction of seventy five hundred Jewish stores and two hundred synagogues on November 9 1938 16 Operation Barbarossa The codename for Hitler s invasion of the Soviet Union 17 Hitler Stalin Pact treaty signed in Moscow in the early hours of August 24 1939 dated August 25 that renounced warfare between the two countries and pledged neutrality by either party if the other were attacked by a third party Each signatory promised not to join any grouping of powers that was directly or indirectly aimed at the other party The pact also contained secret protocols which divided eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence 18 Yalta Conference was the February 4 11 1945 wartime meeting of the heads of government of the United States the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union President Franklin D Roosevelt Prime Minister Winston Churchill and General Secretary Joseph Stalin respectively for the purpose of discussing Europe s postwar reorganization Mainly it was intended to discuss the re establishment of the nations of war torn Europe 19 War Guilt Clause is the first article in Part VIII Reparations of the Treaty of Versailles Apart from Article 231 there is no title for this article in the treaty itself 20 Maastricht Treaty was signed on 7 February 1992 by the members of the European Community in Maastricht the Netherlands 1 On 9 10 December 1991 the same city hosted the European Council which drafted the treaty 2 Upon its entry into force on 1 November 1993 during the Delors Commission 3 it created the European Union and led to the creation of the single European currency the euro 21 Imre Nagy 22 Mussolini was an Italian who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of key figures in the creation of Fascism He became the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925 Mussolini continued on in this role until he was replaced in 1943 for a short period after this until his death Mussolini was the leader of the Italian Social Republic 23 European Union An international political body that was organized after World War II to reconcile Germany and the rest of Europe as well as to forge closer industrial cooperation Over time member states of the EU have relinquished some of their sovereignty and cooperation has evolved into a community with single currency the euro and a common European parliament 24 Red Army 25 Treaty of Rome the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community the former of these two is commonly known as the singular Treaty of Rome within the EU context 26 March on Rome 27 Marshall Plan Economic aid package given to Europe after World War II in hopes of a rapid period of reconstruction and economic gain and to secure the countries from a Communist takeover 28 Auschwitz the Nazi concentration camp in Poland that was designed to systematically murder Jews and gypsies Between 1942 and 1944 over one million people were killed here 29 Vatican II was the twenty first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church It opened under Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI on

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LSU HIST 1003 - Part A: Material Since the Second Midterm

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