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Background to the Reformation 01 21 2014 All of Europe with the exception of Russia called itself Christian 1300 Innocent holds two sword signifying the ruling of the whole 1305 Armed banned of knights sent to Rome by Philip IV to prohibit pope from taxing France Pope was killed Successor moves papacy near France to show obedience Avignon Papacy 75 years 1305 1378 Italian Cardinals elect pope to stay in Rome Other Cardinals elect pope for Avignon Two popes each calling each other heretics anti world Christ o Papal schism 1378 o Eventually the bishops and archbishops 1417 got a General Council as many bishops and archbishops as can be together Only thing in the entire church that supersedes the Pope together Elect a pope of their own but neither old popes want to leave and neither does new pope 3 popes In 1481 General Council gets rid of all 3 popes and 1348 Black Death elects 1 new pope Until 1378 1 3 and of all people in Europe died from Black Death Priests died in astonishingly high numbers because they had to perform Last Rites Desperate need of priests causes corruption and unfit priests 1400s Italy s Renaissance Rebirth of trade the economy learning etc Popes ruling the Papal State the spiritual and country Coconna Family Martin V Decca Rover Family Julius II o Hired Michelangelo to paint Sistine Chapel o Led Papal soldiers into battle Borgia Family Cacixtus III Alexander VI Medici Family Leo X Clement VII Relic collections Artifacts Educated people figured a relic could have power because of disbelief in witchcraft Relic collectors o Grand duke of Saxony Frederick the Wise Largest relic collection in Europe 177 228 relics catalogued like library books 47 pieces of the Holy Innocence children killed by Herod looking for the Christ child 2 feathers from Holy Ghost 1 nail from the Holy Cross o Louis XI Spider King Caught people in his web of intrigue Early Church Devotio Moderna St Thomas A Kempis Education Greek language the New Testament was first written in Erasmus of Rotterdam hero o Most educated man around 1500 o Traveled monastery to monastery to find earliest version of each book in the New Testament so that he could come up with the earliest version Then translated it into Latin o Every page had three columns Greek His translation official church translation 01 21 2014 01 21 2014

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LSU HIST 1003 - Background to the Reformation

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