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World War II 05 01 2014 European balance of power that was put in place after the First World War was throne off balance by Hitler s rise to power and by Germany s wish for more power Mussolini in Italy and Tojo in Japan Dictators Anytime one of them got away with something it made it easier for another one of them to get away with something too Western world in a depression beginning in 1929 It was difficult for the west to face up to crisis when they had no money and their will had been destroyed by economic crisis Hitler became chancellor in 1933 Made it clear that Germany had no interest in pursuing peaceful policies Hitler withdrew Germany from disarmament talks 1934 Hitler made his first misstep before war broke out He had his eyes fixed on Austria o Had its own national socialist party Thought he could take over Austria by having Austrian Nazis to assassinate prime minister in Austria and then send German troops into Austria Anschluss ready o The union of Austria with Germany They did assassinate prime minister but Hitler s army was not Mussolini not yet ally of Hitler made it clear that he would not have Germans on his border Hitler discovers he needs a bigger more powerful military and he needed allies March 1935 Hitler begins his Saturday Surprises He would make announcements on Saturdays because he know British leaders went away on the weekend to their country estates French would not act without British March 9 1935 he announces that in secret he had created the world s largest air force which was a lie o Designed to scare Britain since Germans would not have to invade They could just fly over and bomb them March 16 1935 Hitler announces that Germany would move to general prescription and that he had created a large army o Aimed to scare French Search for allies Mussolini attacked Ethiopia in 1934 King of Ethiopia went to League of Nations for help Britain and France imposed economic sanction on Italy o Didn t stop Italians but drove Mussolini into the arms of Hitler March 1936 Hitler remilitarized Rhineland Civil War broke out in Spain Europe 1938 First time since 1918 there was serious heavy duty fighting in Hitler has a large army large air force remilitarized Rhineland and o Sends German troops and successfully accomplishes no one has stopped him yet March 1938 Anschluss anschluss o Austrians applaud him Sudeten Mountains Sudetenland o Given to the newly created Czechoslovakia so they could have defensible boundary from Germany o Germans resented this bc they felt they were being ruled by Slavs By the beginning of September prime minister of England s nerve had broken Never had been in a war Flew to Germany on his own without even telling the French or the Hitler told him that his last territorial ambition in Europe was Czechs that he was going Sudetenland British urged France to get French to Czech to give it up Better to give Hitler what he wanted than to lose everything president of Czech agreed Hitler knows says it is not enough and he wanted areas that were entirely Czech Hitler got Mussolini to propose conference between Hitler Mussolini Daladiea and chamberlain in Munich By threatening war if they did not get their way got British and French to hand over significant part of Czechoslovakia without any fighting France and Britain leaders applauded for what they had done Churchill opposed treaty in England March 1939 Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia Then demanded Polish Corridor But actually wanting all of Poland To defend Poland Britain and France would need to add soviet union to alliance fueling and geographic reasons End of august 1939 Germans and soviets announce that they had signed a pact War begins September 1 1939 Germans launch an attack on Poland Soviet Union invaded from the other direction Doomed from outset World is at war for a second time More notes in notebook lil nigga Summer of 1940 Hitler uses his bases along English Channel to bomb Britain to gain air superiority This did not happen because of Britain s radar and the discovery of the Enigma machine by the British Hitler has no threats on the European continent On the road to totaltarian regime over all of Europe Slavs were reduced to a situation that would have made slaves seem happy Hitler had always intended for Russia to be German s room for expansion He never meant for the alliance to last very long In June 1941 he launched the greatest land invasion that had ever occurred against the Soviet Union Winter came early in Russia and spared Stalin from defeat Japanese attack Pearl Harbor December 7 1941 Declare war on the US Germany and Italy follow suit Us enters war against all3 Hitler was know facing the two most industrialized countries in the world January 1943 Hitler lost the crucial battle of Stalingrad o Had been going on for over a year along the Volga river Soviets Union pushed the germans back o But he still had control of southern western and northern May 1945 Soviet Union and US forces shook hands and the war was over Europe Dwight Eisenhower Given title Supreme Allied Commander o In charge of all allied forces in the west D Day Departure Day o June 6 1944 Effort of Nazis to exterminate all of the Jews in Europe Responsible for 6 million deaths Auschwitz o Eastern Poland o 5 000 people killed a day Western democracies us Brittan France went to war with Hitler to prevent him from imposing totalitarian rule of eastern in central Europe In the end soviet union imposes totalitarian rule on central and eastern Europe The Cold War Each of the 4 powers US Britain France USSR was given a portion of Germany to occupy All areas that Hitler controlled Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary were now controlled by Stalin Line separating free people and people under Soviet control o Late 1940s contest to see if this line could be broken o Stalin attempted to force the west out of Berlin o West flew in all types of supplies into Berlin planes every 60 seconds West stayed in Berlin because Stalin did not want another World War Called the cold war because no one was shooting at each other Both sides had nuclear bombs and thermo nuclear bombs o Nuclear or atomic bomb What was dropped on Japan 30 kiltions 1 kiloton 1000tons of TNT being exploded in a single o Thermo nuclear bomb or hydrogen bomb Megatons One million tons of TNT being exploded in a second single second Marshall Plan Give money to Western Europe to rebuild as quickly as possible so that we would have allies against Ussr April

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LSU HIST 1003 - World War II

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