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401 Detournement PRE electronic media a form of fine art Culture jamming invented recently Subvertising a KIND of culture jamming that uses a company s logo or images against it like ad busters Narrative analysis Assumptions o Humans make sense of the world by the stories they tell about it Stories reveal admired traits values belief systems world view ideology Key components of narratives o Themes so what o Structure o Characters o Peripeteia plot twist reversal of fortune o Voice perspective story is told from o Style Problems Walter Fisher The pentad o If you re focusing on the story you miss out on the experience interpretation of other people o Said narrative paradigm Stories are the primary model of human symbol use o Can take elements of pentad into ratios Ratios pentad pairing Example of narrative analysis Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Psychoanalytical analysis Main influence by Sigmund Freud Assumptions o Human thought and behavior are products of the interaction of the conscious and unconscious o Conscious and unconscious are products of childhood o There is a central motivating force of unconsciousness Libido unconscious drive o Human behavior is both personal and social o The centrality of the dream metaphor Symbolism apropos Meanings of dream appropriate justification Trinity of Psych o Ego Id personal desires pleasure Super Ego social constraints of society reality Example iceberg model Above water ego a little super ego to show normality Coding mechanisms for dreams o Condensation parts of stories condensed into ONE dream narrative o Displacement moving blame to avoid problems o Inversion messages get flipped around o Dramatization concept that we are the center of the world Identity themes o Oedipus Elektra complexes Oedipus wants to avoid horrible things he has done blinds himself hates his father loves his mother Elektra hates her mother loves her father o Eros and Thantos Eros love Thantos death and destruction Problem with Psychoanalysis o Inside of our heads Epedeictic Pericles Funeral Oration Ritual rhetoric ex Kennedy Speech Hyper reality Eco What do we gain o Experience o Get a lot more unique information Don t need to go to Paris anymore you can just go to Epcot Faith in Fakes Travels in Hyperreality Eco Hyperreality effects of mass culture reproduction an object replaces an original the copy is more real than real o Eco calls hyperreality the world of absolute fake o What is real and what is fiction are blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins Jeans made him feel different and act differently Achieved self awareness Reason for journey into hyperreality where the American imagination Live exterior lives demands the real thing and to attain it must fabricate the absolute fake where the boundaries between game and illusion are blurred falsehood is enjoyed in a situation of fullness Hyperreality provides people with the sense that you will no longer feel any need to see the original work Cities such as vegas are toy cities o Illusions o Technology can give us more reality than nature can o Not witnessing someone else s dream you are in the dream o Visitors unknowingly become robots in the design of the walkways o School in Frankfort Club of philosophers women men Collection of like minded people Main people Teddy Adorno Horkeimer School of Neo Marxist social theory Every member use Marxism Apply Marxism to art culture stories movies music Culture industry Teddy Adorno Horkeimer Guy DeBord Part of the situationists before culture jamming happened o Influenced by Dada art movements o What was happening in society right then Liked Karl Marx o Structuralism use value exchange values of commodities Liked George lukas reification o Reification grounding something is abstract in the material Ex UGGs want you to think warmth exists in shoes Commodity As A Spectacle by Guy o spectacle is a social relation among people illusions mass deception o 17 bullet point being into having dasein being being just existing having appearing giving off image that you have it ex fake designer handbag not enough just to live but must have possessions naturally think things are desirable detournement altering existing artifacts to give it a new subversive meaning international method of artistic creation used by the situationist The Medium is the Message Mcluhan time urgency social expectations feedback is different richness affects understanding of communication form is more important than content way we understand reality is shifting because of our medium o talks about TV before internet happened make our physical bodies redundant tone worry How to become a general in the Disneyland club Dorfman Mattelart Disney made in America American culture Banned in Chile children choosing American culture vs their own Problems o Designed by adults adults living through kids o Commercialize values such as innocence o Robbing children of their imagination o Incorporating a political stance into childrens world Culture Jamming Mark Dery Introduce noise into the signal encouraging idiosyncratic unintended interpretation o S M C R model of comm Culture jamming cultural critique 4 types of culture jamming on them a kind of sniping 3 o billboard banditry climb up onto billboards and tr painting messages o media hoax make up a story and send it to a source out of state and trick them into running it without doing any fact checking and then host a press conference to say it was a hoax exposes media o subvertising sniping subvertising is taking something and changing it to make fun of it subvertising is a specific form of detournement where the original meaning initially intended by an advertisement is replaced by one the artist finds more truthful ex slogan changes Sniping doing it with physical objects i e billboards o audio agitprop take a bunch of audio clips and splice them to combine and make a whole new message Pranking Rhetoric Christine Herold 3 definitions of pranking o prank a trick joke o prank adorning clothing being flashy ex trick out your car prank your car o prank fold change shape form something into something else

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