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1 April 2014 German Expressionism Emile Noide The Dance Round the Golden Calf 1910 German Expressionism Approximately 1913 into the 1930 s Emerged from visual arts Looked in to the psyche Distorted exaggerated vivid and or violent Imposed emotional states on the audience Primitivism Ausdrunktanz Late 19th early 20th century Borrowed images from and processes from Asian African and other primitive artists Tried to regain relationships to themselves nature and supernatural force An artistic movement that was a reaction to industrialism Expressive dance movement Development of the form was interrupted by the rise of Nazism and WWII Led by Rudolf Laban and Mary Wigman Rudolf Laban 1979 1958 Movement scientist and notation developer One of the founders of European Modern Dance Looked at the body s efforts over space and time Created a movement notation system Schools movement choirs choreography Mary Wigman 1886 1973 Studied with Dalcroze and Laban By 1920 s she was an international figure in modern dance Wigman s Influence Witch Dance 1914 In the US Concerned with showing the impact of internal feelings Concerned with the meaningfulness of space as a forceful element of the dance How does this show the ideas behind German expressionism What does she look like 1 April 2014 The Theater of the Bauhaus Founded 1919 Closed 1932 School for the arts in Germany Attempted to optimistically merge the arts together into a unified socialism wanted all the arts to work together in harmony Goal of the Bauhaus create a synthesis of the arts in its purest form Oskar Schlemmer Pre WWII painter and sculptor Directed the Bauhaus Created and productions and performance demonstrations Mathematical workings of body space and time Ballet Triadique Androgenizing the performers Changes there and brings Art here Black Mountain College Counter Culture Is there a counter culture today Hipsters for example Would we recognize it if there was one In what ways might ideology affect dance making or other arts Spark new ideas

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