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Jaymie Ticknor Intro Sociology 1510 Sect 900 23 October 2013 Chapter 9 Global Stratification Global Stratification Global Stratification units we are considering are countries much like a system of stratification within countries in which the units are individuals or families One manifestation of this is the great inequality in life chances that differentiates nations around the world Rich and Poor Gross National Income GNI measures the total output of goods and services produced by residents of a country each year plus the income from nonresident sources divided by the size of the population Global Networks of Power and Influence Power meaning the ability of a country to exercise control over other countries or groups of countries significant dimension of global stratification Core Countries have the most power in the world economic system Semiperipheral Countries semi industrialized and represent a kind of middle class surround Peripheral Countries poor largely agricultural countries of the world First World Countries consist of the industrialized capitalist countries of the world Second World Countries socialist countries had a communist based government and a state Third World Countries countries that are poor underdeveloped largely rural and with high the core countries managed economy levels of poverty International Division of Labor is not tied to place but can employ cheap labor anywhere Race and Global Inequality Theories of Global Stratification Modernization Theory Modernization Theory views the economic development of countries as stemming from technological change a country becomes more modernized by increased technological development and this technological development is also dependent on other countries derives from Max Weber Dependency Theory Dependent Theory focuses on explaining the persistence of poverty in the world poverty of the low income countries is a direct result of their political and economic dependence on the wealthy derived from the work of Karl Marx Colonialism system by which Western nations became wealthy by taking raw materials from colonized societies and reaping profits from products finished in the homeland Neocolonialism form of control of the poor countries by the rich countries but without direct political or military involvement Multinational Corporations companies that draw a large share of their profits from overseas investments and that conduct business across national borders World Systems Theory World Systems Theory premise that no nation in the world can be considered in isolation Commodity Chain network of production and labor processes by which a product becomes a finished commodity emerged World Cities cities that are closely linked through the system of international commerce have Transnational Communities may be geographically distant but socially and politically close Consequences of Global Stratification Population Fertility Rate how many live births a woman will have over her lifetime War and Terrorism Terrorism defined as premeditated politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by persons or groups who use their action to try to achieve their political ends World Poverty Relative Poverty households in poverty in the U S are poor compared with other Americans but when one looks at other parts of the world an income at the U S poverty line of 21 203 would make a family very well off Absolute Poverty situation in which people live on less than 1 per day Extreme Poverty situation in which people live on less than 275 a year that is on less than 75 cents a day Human Poverty Index multidimensional measure of poverty meant to indicate the degree of deprivation in four basic dimensions of human life a long and healthy life knowledge economic well being and social inclusion Double Deprivation many of the poor countries women suffer because of their gender and Women and Children in Poverty because they disproportionately carry the burden of poverty Globalization and Social Change Newly Industrializing Countries NICs include South Korea Malaysia Thailand Taiwan and Singapore have shown rapid growth and are emerging as stronger nations

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