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Rena Levin History 102 Notes 8 13 Fasces Ancient Roman symbol of power bundle of sticks tied together with axe Fascism 1919 1930 Reasons for rise of Fascism in Italy o Lack of faith in democracy Italy was promised land following WWI and did not receive any Italy did receive 700 000 dead and a lot of debt o Antagonism between the North and South Conflicts over property and wages results in unemployment strikes inflation o Constitutional monarchy with Parliament is corrupt and incompetent o Rise of Benito Mussolini former socialist Fasci di Combattimento The Fascist Party o Platform of 1919 progressive measures 8 hour working day Universal suffrage Taxes on inheritance for wealthy Features of Fascism o Ultra nationalism nation over individual Survival of the Fittest my state ethnicity VS your state ethnicity as opposed to Marxism which is a class struggle conflict within the state ethnicity Intolerance o Glorification of war and military with goals of conquest and thereby resources and sacrifice for the sake of nation o Antagonism toward communism unity through workers and each class o Antagonism toward democracy state exists for you VS Fascism you exist for state o Antagonism toward labor unions o Supportive of big businesses and profit Industrial Military Complex Eisenhower warned against this bc success of nation depends on its military o Supported by middle class small property owners bc they fear Fascist gov Italian war veterans disgusted by democracy bc have not been tangibly rewarded Fascism under Mussolini o Black Shirts militaristic group o Hired to take care of workers strikes o March on Rome 50 000 follow Mussolini to Rome where King Victor Emanuel III invites Mussolini to be in Parliament o One party dictatorship with police state and press censorship Cabinet system abolished Mussolini Prime Minister self given title of Il Duce

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QC HIST 102 - Fascism

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