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Rena Levin History 102 Notes 8 6 The New Imperialism 1830 1914 Imperialism process of extending one state s control over others o Formal colonizing power annexes territory outright establishes gov with direct control no pretenses o Informal allows weaker state to maintain its independence while reducing its sovereignty as colonizers reach agreements with indigenous native leaders and governs through them 1870 1900 small group of western Europe colonizes 20 of earth s landmass especially Africa o By 1900 only 2 independent African countries remain Ethiopia and Liberia ENGLAND FRANCE Reasons for new imperialism o Resource accumulation through raw materials India cotton South Africa gold diamonds o Need to keep own native population employed through resources India brought cotton to England England s employees process cotton England sells cotton back to India o Desire to create foreign markets for European manufactured items o Civilizing mission o Conversion of natives to Christianity o Safety valve overpopulation in Europe may be relieved of congestion and competition for goods and services by emigrating to colonies to find work and land Great Migration Americas Asia Africa Oceania US encouraged migration bc of cheap labor Fomented by completion of Suez and Panama Canals Push factor Jews pogroms employment Southern Italians soil depletion poverty Enables Europeans to look for work outside Europe o Prestige and national pride accumulation and dominance of Empire measurement of nation s pride Darwin s Theory of Natural Selection earth is constantly changing each generation improves upon the previous one Darwin s Origin of Species only addresses evolution of animals not humans Essentialism religious people believe God created everything perfectly but if NS is true and extinction exists that proves God made a mistake which is impossible Scientific Racism Gobieneau on inequality of races All civilization comes from England France Germany Scandinavia Northern Europe South and East Europe Asia Africa are barbaric Social Darwinism Spencer s Survival of the Fittest claims the wealthy are biologically genetically superior to the poor Imperialism facilitated by o Technological and marshal superiority Gun boats More stable rivers with rough currents Mounted rapid fire machine guns artillery Enable movement regardless of wind direction o Based on prompt responses to improvise situations as opposed to templates for Imperial Policy long term planning Methods carrot vs stick o France accepts colonial men as French citizens with rights and privileges o England credits achievements but still conscious of the fact that they are outsiders and are not granted full rights Some educated colonial subjects return to native home in limbo too European for native home too native for Europe Advantages for Colonists not widespread bc Europe employed extractive method o Education Natives transform from oral to written cultures especially in Africa o Infrastructure Enables reading and writing of new things Railroads better transportation builds new and stronger trade markets connects towns and communities Electricity o Health care especially in tropical climates Tropical diseases kill Europeans within first few years of settlement Rain water insects diseases Malaria Yellow fever Sleeping sickness Researchers combat with mosquito netting kerosene tree bark o Wage labor employment for natives as opposed to barter economy Disadvantages for Colonists o Shift of native labor from subsistence growing goods for self survival to export production growing goods to be exported for others Food shortages leading to famine especially in Africa Rise in imported food from Europe o Working conditions Low wages Harsh working conditions o Colonists downgraded to second class citizens in their own country o Traditional gov structures undermined breaking down social and political power o Animosity augmented among different tribes fomented by colonizers o Poor natives do not share profits with Europeans o European courts defend Europe s plunder mentality Disadvantages for Colonizers Europe o Money out of pocket Military Infrastructure trade transportation electricity Salaries of officials o Native cooperation and unrest o Limited access to natural resources o Prevailing supply and demand ratio o State of European economies GERMANY Germany Southwest Africa o German settlers especially farmers emigrate to GSWA German settlers raid stock of Herero native people Herero kill a few German farmers 1904 1907 Herero Insurrection Germany sends von Trotha to commit genocide in Kalahari desert Germany Southeast Africa Tanzania o Ngoni and Matumbi natives farmland taken over by Germans 1905 1907 Maji Maji Revolt Tribes burn their own crops bc God will help them Germans burn rest of crops

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