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11 15 12 Philo of Alexandria Philo s writings Greek are lost to the Jews and have little impact on later Jewish history Philo Jewish philosopher is preserved by the Church Philo is discovered by Jews when Jewish history becomes a subject in which they are interested Philo s work is influenced by Greek philosophers Plato Aristotle Approach to Bible allegorical Allegory story in which the details are less important than the overall main point message and tell us something separate from the literal meaning on the story while the story tells us a loftier broader more universal and significant message In this style of reading the Bible Abraham ceases to be a human being and comes to represent an idea of life and exploration of that concept EG Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden Adam represents all humanity with its ideal potential according to Philo man should be a philosopher use his brain and mind the glory of mankind which separates us from all other creatures Eve is not a person at all rather represent the downfall of humanity according to Philo the tragedy of life is the need for material things food sleep bodily functions sex which make human should be impossible Radically Departicularized details should not be looked at too particularly Church preserves Philo s work because of this allegorical approach Church adopts this method to read the Hebrew Bible Philo introduces this method and it is picked up and followed by Christianity These elements of Jewish tradition are picked up by the religious other and regarded as foreign by the Jews creates distinguishes divide between Jews and Christianity If you re taking that method we don t want it Church is heavily invested in allegorical reading when it comes to reading and interpreting the laws gets them out of dietary laws ritual laws etc BIOGRAPHY of PHILO Born 20 BCE Dies 50 BCE Born to wealthy distinguished family has connections to everyone and everything o Herod o Roman Court brother Alexander high ranking official in Egypt nephew general in army governor in Egypt participates in Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 BCE Lived through riots Religious Observant Jew o Allegorical reading of Bible does not undermine observance of the law o Views Bible as best Constitution set of laws for setting up society to produce virtuous individuals idea from Greek philosopher s works o Discusses specific laws not just as Divinely given laws but as natural laws they make sense given the way the world is ideally suited to humanity s nature o Importance of Israel Jerusalem Temple visits Greek Culture and Education o Philosophy and Literature quotes Plato Aristotle Homer stories of Greek gods o Actively involved in Hellenistic culture and lifestyle participates in Greek civil clubs sporting events wrestling boxing horse racing theater Bible Commentary education and culture o Combination of both his religious observance of Judaism and his involvement in Greek o Text 1 Commentary on Numbers 20 Edomites refuse to let Israelites pass through their territory despite Moses plea to the king that they will stay just on the Royal Road no wandering off or taking shortcuts Royal Road King of Edom real king G d s Road G d real king Word of G d Staying on Course in the Middle No extremes no veering Turns Moses pragmatic practical strategic language of we will not go off course into a universal philosophical principle of we should not go off course Royal Road Study Path of Philosophy not vague personal rather body of literature series of questions approach to those disciplines approach to study and reading books Golden Mean idea that defines virtue as midway point between 2 extremes ask what the 2 extremes are ask what Aristotle would do EG Battle extremes run out with passion vs cower in the back with fear GM in between EG Charity extremes give all money away vs stay tight fisted and stingy GM moderation Purpose of Laws encourage moderate lifestyle GM appeals to Jews who argue that the Jewish Law does the same helps you live a life of moderation to the fullest EG Letter of Aristeas Jewish scholars lecture on the importance of moderation Philo Torah advocates this moderate lifestyle If Road Philosophy and Road Word of G d Word of G d Study of Philosophy o Text 2 Commentary on Genesis 16 Abraham Sarah Hagar Abraham Sarah committed relationship with meaningful partner with whom you hope to obtain a fulfilling life Real Partner Philosophy Abraham Hagar seduction of externally attractive things on the side steering you away from the real things that matter in life Seductive Distractions music art Even when Abraham when to the mistress he never lost sight of the fact that Sarah was his wife Philo s commentary is very similar to commentary to The Odyssey Odysseus has to come home but things get in the way Penelope his wife is trying to save herself for him Suitors get in her way Penelope pushes them aside and remains focused in Odysseus Commentary Penelope is example of staying focused on philosophy

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QC HIST 114 - Philo of Alexandria

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