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10 16 12 198 BCE The Hasmonean State Seleucid Empire captures Judea from Ptolemaic Empire o Leader Antiochus III o High Priest at time Simon o Seleucids are thankful to Jews for helping them overthrow the Ptolemaic Empire As a result Seleucids are supportive of Jews retaining their identity keeping within tradition of previous rules over Jews in that they allow the Jews to stick to their religion Antiochus is very respectful and understanding of the rule prohibiting non Jews from entering the Temple and despite this prohibition Antiochus still makes donations to the Temple and Jews 175 BCE Antiochus IV succeeds the III o Relations between the Greeks and Jews begin to strain o INTERNATIONAL PROBLEM for Seleucids Rome begins to express interest in eastern Mediterranean Seleucids need money to combat and or resist the Romans sparking the Seleucids interest in the Temple to plunder it means immediate funds o NATIONAL civil PROBLEM for Jews how to relate to Hellenistic culture as delivered by the Seleucids Pro Hellenizers interested in embracing Greek culture modernizing and advancing their culture attracted to what Hellenism has to offer positive optimistic Want to turn Jerusalem into a Greek city state polis employing several changes putting the city on the map need permission from Emperor in a charter VS Non Pro Hellenizers Seleucid officials look to Jews for money from Temple AND Jewish officials high priests etc look to Seleucids for permission to turn Jerusalem into a polis Priest Jason Joshua wants to replace his brother Onias as High Priest by bribing Seleucid official Jason is part of reforming group offers king money pursues Hellenizing movement o King agrees perhaps somewhat shortsightedly o Onias disgraced flees to Egypt to live under Ptolemaic control o With Jason s appointment Jerusalem becomes a polis Antioch o Jason builds a gymnasium in the city whilst Temple still exists and continues to be supported o All these actions do NOT trigger any sort of reaction any opposition Hellenism by itself was not particularly the problem o Hellenistic Games take place in Tyre Lebanon Typically guests come with lavish gifts for sacrifices for patron god of the games Heracles Representatives from Judea however just show up and participate they even bring money but those funds are specifically used for the boat races and NOT given to the Heracles they have found a way to contribute to the social athletic aspect of The Games while withholding from participating in the religious parts 170 BCE Menelaus replaces Jason by Antiochus IV o Menelaus repeats the same Seleucid offer money for appointment o Menelaus is NOT from High Priest Dynasty and not a legitimate candidate unlike Jason who was a priest just not a high priest Problems which arise are NOT due to enforcement in Hellenistic culture but rather because of the tampering with the Dynasty Violence ensues Antiochus attempts to quiet the situation breaks down walls of Jerusalem because the polis has presented itself as a problem sets up troops in fortress of Akra to keep an eye on things 168 7 Antiochus decides to rededicate the Temple to Zeus Olympius aka Ba al Shamim outlaws practice of Judaism o This is a drastic change in acceptance and recognition of religious life by previous rules Persians Assyrians Babylonians etc and is unprecedented in Jewish History WHY Modern Historian 1 Antiochus was often called Epiphanes god made manifest but the people who did not care for him called him Epimanes mad crazy he banned Jewish religion because he was nuts Modern Historian 2 The whole story was made up by the Maccabees to present themselves as heroic to justify their own power later on Elias Bickerman Menelaus invited the persecution from Antiochus wanted to see Torah replaced by more cosmopolitan way of life so they asked Antiochus to outlaw Judaism which he did internal civil struggle between Extreme Hellenizers and Other Camps persecution was not imposed from the outside rather encouraged from an inside source Source of Reforms Jews Victor Tcherikover Conflict between Urban Elites pro Hellenistic and Rural Folk against Hellenism Loyalty to Temple Loyalty to Torah after this conflict ensues Antiochus employs the reforms in order to tilt the scales in favor of Menelaus giving an advantage to the urban elites who are clearly on Menelaus side Source of Reforms Antiochus o Differing Reactions to Reforms Flee mountains Accept abandon Jewish identity embrace Greek life Resist rather than comply first example of martyrdom in Western tradition Military Resistance Hasmonean Revolt Leader Mattathias Priest Small village of Modi in Leader of resistance to changes going on in Jerusalem Founder of Maccabean Hasmonean Dynasty Enemy Hellenized Jews OR Seleucids 167 161 BCE Attacks are primarily against Jews o Maccabean revolt begins with small guerilla warfare 164 BCE 163 BCE o Forced circumcision prohibited by Antiochus to ensure continuation of practice o Mattathias dies 166 165 and succeeded by son Judah Seleucids are totally preoccupied with the Romans as they are stuck in between 2 growing powers o Romans are in the West o Parthians modern day Iran are in the East Judah and Maccabees go after the Greeks outside Jerusalem in Beit Tzur Judah seize Temple Mount and kick out reform minded Jews who are officiating there rededicate Temple to G d o 3rd anniversary of dedication to Zeus re consecration to G d 164 BCE Chanukah There is no precedent for what happened in between the years 167 and 164 Antiochus IV dies during campaign against Parthians Seleucid begins steady fatal decline until 63 BCE when the Romans officially annex the little that is left of the Seleucid Empire Greek Empire loses territory and control to Romans and Parthians Judah and Maccabees defeat Seleucids Antiochus successor officially rescinds the IV s reforms o Reclaim and rededicate Temple to exclusive worship of Jewish G d o Reestablished Torah o Rectified office of High Priest previously given to illegitimate candidates o Status quo restored Pursuit of new concept autonomy freedom from political authoritative control Phase 2 of Victory over Greeks o New wave of anti Seleucids in country so Leads to new effort by Seleucids to manage Judeans leader Nicanor Largest army yet to suppress the Judean fighting Nicanor defeated Feb March 161 BCE Celebrated as Jewish holiday as victory over Nicanor 13th of Adar Judah turns to Rome for support leverage against Seleucids Romans vs Seleucids o

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QC HIST 114 - The Hasmonean State

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