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9 27 12 CANONIZATION Core Element 3 General Acceptance of Singular Text BIBLE Murashu Documents are business transactions so there s no surprise that Bible doesn t show up Elephantine Papyri completely lack any mention of Bible despite content of the papyri marriage laws bequeathals etc CANONIZATION process of group of texts come to be regarded as classical and authoritative Last books of the Bible date back to the Persian period eg Daniel Ezra Nechemiah Books from Persian period reference national literature in written form eg people reading from an established fixed central written text o Nehemiah Ezra reads the Torah aloud and as a result Jews celebrate Sukkot as a commandment from the Torah The Wisdom of ben Sira o 130 BCE o Written 170 BCE o Text Hebrew o Author Jew Jesus ben Sira o Translated into Greek by ben Sira s grandson like much Jewish literature and writes personal introduction Reference to 3 part Library of basic structure of Bible Tanach Law Torah Prophets Nevi im Other Writings Ketuvim What makes a book worthy of being canonized BIBLE Jello liquid solid o Structure o Content BCE Greek translation of the Bible Septuagint written by Jews for Jews 200 Contains The Apocrypha 15 books that are not part of the Bible today Dead Sea Scrolls Bible ancient manuscripts 100 BCE Both contain texts of Biblical books that differ from Biblical books that we have today These 2 books are more fluid rather than fixed and definitely more inclusive and expansive o Rabbinic Literature 200 CE o Vocalization 800 CE Differences spelling of words which often are basis for differing opinions Hebrew and Semitic languages are written with just consonants no vowels vowels are only spoken not written Increased sanctity of text Increased control over text

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