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1 8 28 12 History of the Jewish People Zodiac Mosaic tile from floor of synagogue Bet Alpha Beit She an valley 1929 Kibbutz discovered pieces 1960s formally excavated Dated back to 500 5 6th Century about 1500 years ago Juxtaposition of the Mosaic 12 wedges in shape of wheel each filled with the symbol of each month labeled in Hebrew Center of mosaic is Helios Greek god of the sun being pulled by 4 horse drawn chariot across the sky the Greek myth of the daily cycle of the sun 4 corners of mosaic each contain 1 god paired up with the 3 matching months representing the 4 seasons eg Tekufah Tishrei Fall Helios is representative of Jesus so Christians used this image in their churches at the same time in the same place Anomalies Mosaic located on floor of synagogue NEW Mosaic found in northern part of modern state of Israel NEW Incorporation of outside ie Greek Hellenistic influence impact and culture NEW

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QC HIST 114 - History of the Jewish People

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