Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities Quick Ratio Current Assets Inventory Current Liabilities HB 311 Final Exam Equations Asset Management Ratios ACP Accounts Receivable Average Daily Sales ACP Accounts Receivable Sales 365 Inventory Turnover COGS Inventory Fixed Asset Turnover Sales Fixed Assets Total Asset Turnover Sales Total Assets Working Capital Management Net Working Capital Current Assets Current Liabilities Inventory Collection Period 365 Inventory Turnover Operating Cycle ACP ICP Cash Conversion Cycle OC Payables Deferral Period Debt Management Ratios Debt Ratio LTD Current Liabilites Total Assets Debt to Equity Ratio LTD Equity TIE EBIT Interest Cash Coverage EBIT Depreciation Interest Fixed Charge Coverage EBIT Lease Payments Interest Lease Payments EBITDA Covereage EBITDA Lease Payments Interest Lease Payments Principal Repayment Profitability Ratios ROS NI Sales ROA NI Total Assets ROE NI Equity ROCE EBIT 1 t debt equity Market Value Ratios P E Ratio Stock Price EPS Market Value Ratios Stock Price Book Value Per Share EPS NI Number of Shares EPS ROE share value Payout Ratio DPS EPS Contribution Breakeven Ct P V Cm P V P Qb e F Ct Sb e F Cm Leverage Ratios DTL DFL DOL DOL EBIT Q sales DFL EPS EBIT DFL EBIT EBIT Interest EBIT P V F
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