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5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Chapter 1 Notes Saturday February 08 2014 9 45 PM Seyle s work in endocrinology Many damaging diseases of slow accumulation can be either caused or made worse by stress Stress physiology the study of how the body responds to stressful events After acute physical crises chronic physical challenges and psychological and social disruptions cause stress Stressor anything in the world that knocks you out of homeostatic balance Stress response what your body does to re establish homeostasis after months of handling and stressing rats trying to inject them with a hormone he realized that the rats had peptic ulcers enlarged adrenal glands and shrunken immune tissues Body has general adaptation syndrome or similar set of responses to a broad array of stressors If the stressors go on for too long they can make you sick Fight or flight theory With sufficient amounts of stress the stress response can become more damaging than the stressor itself Allostatic load wear and tear throughout the body in relation to stress Walter Cannon https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 1 1

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