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Chapter 8 Notes Eloquence Form a qualitative unity The style and subject matter all go together Everything feels like it should go together Example the form of a horror movie o Music suspense know something will happen The form changes over time and we can alter it a little bit but it still maintains the qualitative unity Sets up the expectations for the audience and then it fulfills them Syllogistic form A logical progression from one point to the next The warrant should be clear and easy to understand Qualitative form It s a build through emotion The emotional presence should make sense Both forms can be used together Symbol something that represents something else Example US flag freedom stars represent states stripes represent qualities abstract and concrete sense Organizing symbols o Help us understand smaller moments in the speech o A symbol that is used for a very particular purpose o Example flag on the moon history success greatness Symbols also have a personal attachment to it Important to use a symbol that is organized clearly so the audience sees it the correct way Using organizing symbols that evoke these emotions from the audience Artistic symbol The image that you re painting for the audience whatever it might mean the creative way of putting it together is compelling The purpose is to make the audience say wow that is an interesting combination of ideas Example framing bullying like a battlefield Interpretive symbol Strives to create order out of disorder Example healthcare Medicaid vs Obamacare Acceptance symbol Reacting to a state of denial Only works if people don t believe something is happening Saying problems to convince the audience of something Corrective symbol Corrects the imbalance of the present We all believe one thing the speaker is trying to prove that another thing is happening a corrective symbol could be employed Point is to get the emotion across Example art in Detroit Emotional symbol audience make them do something Emancipatory symbol Draws on a highly salient image or images to get an emotion across from an Example saying things that LA citizens are emotionally attached to in order to Making something that we think of as really good exploiting it as something really bad or vice versa Example diet cokes are actually bad Poetic categories framing stories a specific way Heroic Tragic Comic o The hero is comfortable at home then they are called to action then they come back with knowledge and wisdom and they bring that back to their home community o Doesn t have to be sad o Simply someone going up against odds that are insurmountable you know it is impossible to defeat o Why What do we learn from that Sacrifice courage overcoming the odds lets you know the limits of what is possible o Someone striving for something larger than life o Doesn t have to be funny o A story of miscommunication o Something bad happens because two people or groups weren t able to communicate appropriately

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LSU CMST 2060 - Chapter 8 Notes- Eloquence

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