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Nutrition Final Study Guide 1 Food additives what are they needed for a Additives aren t normally consumed as foods added intentionally or unintentionally Intentional food additives nutrients colors flavors Incidental food additives get into food as a result of contact with the food during growing processing packaging storing b The purpose of additives is to improve nutritive value Maintain freshness Help in processing moisturize leaven Make food more appealing color flavor 2 Most of the food related illness in the U S is caused by whom a Us The way we handle food b Of the food borne microbial disease outbreaks reported to the Center for Disease Control in the last 5 years 97 resulted from mishandling food in either foodservice establishments or homes 3 USDA FDA EPA what are they responsible for Do they help us a Food and Drug Administration FDA Food products and their ingredients must be reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration FDA before being marketed and meet strict federal standards enforced under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act The FDA operates laboratories to test the safety of food It also must make sure food labels are accurate and not misleading The FDA is responsible under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act to insure that the milk supply is safe and wholesome The FDA state public health agencies and the dairy industry have recently intensified inspection and microbiological testing of dairy operations and products FDA has 1 700 inspectors to cover over 9 000 regulated businesses The manufacturer must prove a new additive is effective can be detected and measured in the final food product and it is safe b Department of Agriculture USDA microbiological contamination of meat and poultry The Eggs Products Inspection Act administered by the USDA provides for continuous inspection of plants processing egg products regulates all meat products inspects and checks for c National Marine Fisheries Service of the US Dept of Commerce regulates grading standards for fish and fish products d Environmental Protection Agency EPA levels of pesticides that may be used on food and feed products regulates food by establishing the types and 4 Hazard Analysis why was it designed what does it do a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point HACCP hass up to table by international federal state and local agencies monitoring food from farm It is difficult to inspect every part of all food processing so HACCP was designed to prevent contamination that could cause food borne illness as well as reduce the risk of chemical contaminants This approach process identifies places in food handling production manufacture transport called critical control points where contamination can occur and then try to prevent control or eliminate contamination before the food reaches the public The HACCP program includes identifying biological chemical or physical properties that might cause a health risk then establishing corrective action and keeping records 5 Food safety Staph infection a Staphylococcus aureus Staph spreads from someone handling the food It is found on everyone s skin It is also in boils pimples and throat infections Susceptible foods are meat poultry cheese egg products potato macaroni pasta tuna meat poultry salads custards and cream filled desserts 6 2hrs 40 140 Rule a Do not eat food that has been kept out for more than 2 hours in the temperature range between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit 7 Should you stuff the turkey the night before No Why a Because if you have a big turkey then stuffing is sitting in it with bacteria and its so far in that it doesn t get frozen or heated up in the oven after I don t know 8 If you have a frozen turkey where should you defrost it a Defrosting food in the refrigerator is best method or put frozen food in watertight package in cold water that s changed frequently or thaw in microwave on defrost setting 9 Food safety lecture slow cookers a Food warmers chafing dishes slow cookers usually do not hold food above the danger zone and therefore are risky to use Uneven warming leads to temperature pockets in food where bacteria can multiply 10 What is the most common additive in the U S a Sugar prove 11 If the manufacturer is going to put a new additive in the food what must they a The manufacturer must prove a new additive is effective can be detected and measured in the final food product and it is safe When you put a new additive on the market in food it can t be toxic and the FDA has to be able to find it has to be traceable amounts has to be able to test for it definitely cant cause any disease b Manufacturers may not use additives to disguise faulty or inferior products deceive the consumer significantly destroy nutrients or where their effects can be achieved by economical sound manufacturing processes 12 Know the difference between the Delaney Clause cancer and the GRAS List a General Recognized as Safe List GRAS 1958 complying with the FDA procedure at the time it was started because they had been used for a long time and no hazards had been seen About 700 substances were put on a list generally recognized as safe The safety of some of these substances has been questioned so list has been reevaluated The entire list is having an on going review many substances were exempted from b The Delaney Clause 1958 To remain on the GRAS list an additive must not cause cancer in humans or animals The Delaney clause part of the law states no additive shall be deemed to be safe if it is found to induce cancer when ingested by man or animal The Delaney clause has been criticized lately for being too strict The problem is that over 30 years ago the technology could only detect a substance in food when it was present in fairly large amounts Now one part per billion or even trillion can be detected This means that no one can prove absolute safety The FDA feels additives are safe if they present no more than 1 in a million risk of cancer exposed over 70 years 13 Radiation is it used on food when was it started a Irradiation used to kill microbes insects it works by breaking up DNA inside nucleus of cells FDA requires irradiation label called the radura However FDA does not require label statement on separate ingredients within a product History during World War II the US Army found that irradiated ground beef kept better Astronauts use irradiated food People who have to live in a sterile environment have to have their food irradiated b Radiation

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