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Nutrition Study Guide Minerals chloride CPMSPC Zinc Iodine Selenium 6 major minerals calcium phosphorus magnesium sodium potassium and Trace minerals are needed in amounts no higher than a few mg day Ex Iron Classified as major if they are needed more in the diet 100 mg day or more Minerals are essential do not provide energy needed to make body structures such as bones activators for enzyme systems and they are poorly absorbed 4 functions of calcium bone formation normal response of nerves blood clotting and muscle contraction Calcium is NOT well absorbed only 20 30 Peak bone mass is achieved 25 to 30 years old 3 food sources of calcium Milk dairy products broccoli not well absorbed Supplements Caltrate Lederle provides 600mg per tablet Oscal provides 250 elemental calcium Tums provides 200mg 40 is calcium carbonate Bone meal is NOT recommended as a calcium supplement because it comes from the bones of old animals that have accumulate lead Dolomite is also NOT recommended Tums lists 500 mg of calcium carbonate but that is only 200 mg of pure calcium 40 is carbonated Lack of stomach acid insufficient amount of Vitamin D high fiber diet and high phosphorus intake Pepsi meat fish will all decrease Calcium absorption Deficiencies children develop rickets if they are also lacking in Vitamin D adults osteoporosis causes easily broken bones Intakes from childhood to age 25 should be stressed Osteoporosis weakening of bone and a serious health hazard Lower back pain is the most common symptom loss of height follows extensive collapse of vertebra Spinal bones may become weak that they can collapse This can decrease a woman s height 2 to 8 inches average 6 Reasons why women are more susceptible to osteoporosis pregnancy less bones because smaller or shorter lactation breast feeding drink less milk than men live longer Factors affecting calcium absorption and utilization Phosphorus in excess high carbonated beverages soda takes place of milk Vitamin A in excess may stimulate bone loss Fiber reduces bioavailability of many minerals Special diets strict vegetarian diets Medications will increase urinary calcium excretion and contribute to bone loss Diseases may increase intestinal calcium absorption Alcoholism may decrease appetite Physical activity slows rate of bone loss The RDA for males females age 14 18 1300 mg day 19 50 is 1000 mg day age 51 70 1200 mg day to help minimize bone loss Prevention of Osteoporosis Women should have 1200 mg of Calcium 300mg per glass of milk 4 glasses Exercise such as walking or swimming must involve active weight bearing movement Functions of phosphorous bone formation needed to absorb glucose transport fatty acids essential element of all body cells DNA Phosphorous very well absorbed up to 70 It is present in nearly all foods especially milk and milk products and liver and other animal food protein Iron Major functions constituent of hemoglobin in red blood cells transportation of oxygen from lungs to tissue oxidation for enzymes to work part of mygloben Iron is very poorly absorbed only 5 10 Absorption of iron is more efficient when a deficiency exists or when there is an increased rate of rbc formation pregnancy lactation loss of blood Vitamin C and meat increase the absorption of iron and tea and tannin acid egg yolk decrease the absorption of iron Food sources of Iron liver is best meat leafy green veggies best plant sources Milk contains almost NO iron Women need more iron than men they lose some every month Cooking utensils affect iron intake iron skillet is well absorbed Iron deficiency anemia may be the most prevalent deficiency disease in humans Symptoms in adults feel tired fatigue sore tongue spoon nails Symptoms in infants slow mental growth Anemia is the end state of iron depletion There are over 2000 cases of iron poisoning each year in the USA mainly in young children ingesting their parents iron pills looks like candy toxicity is from supplements not food Zinc part of an enzyme system wound healing growth and sexual maturation Food sources best is beef liver oysters expensive Iodine needed to make thyroid hormone controls overall body metabolism and BMR Best source iodized salt seafood processed food Functions of Magnesium needed as part of bones and muscle activator for enzymes transmission of nerve impulses All unprocessed foods contain magnesium Highest nuts legumes green vegetables Copper utilize iron and essential for formation of hemoglobin Fluoride part of bones and teeth and prevents cavities Deficiencies dental cavities Mottled teeth brown wavy lines because of too much fluoride in water Chromium normal glucose metabolism Electrolytes maintains normal fluid balance and acid base balance in body Sodium foods highest are soy sauce tomato soup dill pickles all processed foods Only 10 of salt intake comes from natural content of foods Potassium Too little or too much can cause cardiac arrest from supplements Food sources highest are potatoes beans orange juice banana milk The best way to decrease high blood pressure is to loose weight and exercise Pregnancy One of the smallest increases recommended is for energy It is not until after or during your 2nd trimester until you need more calories Pregnant woman must select foods of high nutrient density Food cravings do not reflect physiological needs Folate RDA is over twice non pregnant RDA for increased blood supply and for growth of baby so folate supplements are often prescribed Pregnant women need extra iron to increase her blood volume store iron in fetal liver and mother will loose blood during delivery Most pregnant women need to take iron supplements Need zinc for growth and calcium phosphorus and magnesium for bones B 12 for rbc pregnancy lactation loss of blood Fluoride teeth begin in 5th month Effects of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy include low infant birth weight reduced infant head circumference miscarriage and neural tube defect brain and spinal cord defects low infant birth weight decreased infant bone density low infant birth weight and premature mental and physical retardation congenital malformations energy protein folate vit D calcium iron iodine zinc limit caffeine stop smoking doctor don t diet syndrome Practices to avoid during pregnancy do NOT take any prescribed or over the counter medications consult with do not drink alcohol Even one binge may increase risk of fetal alcohol Heart burn during pregnancy eat less fat avoid spicy foods drink liquid between

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SU NSD 225 - Nutrition Study Guide

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