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Mack WGS 2500 Spring 2014 EXAM TWO REVIEW SHEET TEST INFORMATION Your second exam in WGS 2500 will be held Friday May 2nd during your regular scheduled class time You are required to bring a large sheet scantron a number 2 pencil and a sheet of blank lined paper for the short answer questions The exam will consist of 20 multiple choice 5 true false questions and 2 short answer questions REVIEW The following concepts and questions will be fair game on the exam What Supreme Court ruling rescinded withdrew the states ban on abortion When What did it stipulate o Roe v Wade 1973 Abortion be the choice of women What is redomestication What role did it play in convincing women to stay in the home after they had some freedom in work during WWII o Women reenter the homes after WWII women were fired from their jobs when the men returned home from the war What is the family hour o A policy established by the Federal Communications Commission in the U S in 1975 television networks had a responsibility to air family friendly programs during the 1st hour of the primetime line up 8pm to 9pm According to the video MissRepresentation why do media advertisers want to produce anxiety in female and male viewers o Advertising is based on making people feel insecure so that they go out and buy these products in hopes of living up to beauty ideals Understand the terms rape sexual assault sexual harassment molestation and incest o Rape o Sexual assault o Sexual harassment The penetration of any bodily orifice by a penis or object without consent any sexual contact without consent and or that involves the use of force Mack WGS 2500 Spring 2014 involves unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature it can include offensive remarks about a person s sex o Molestation o Incest the sexual abuse of children which may or may not involve rape when children are molested or raped by family members Understand what marital rape is the categorization of this crime and how the courts have responded victim s spouse o AKA spousal rape it is non consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the o It is a form of partner rape domestic violence and sexual abuse How does the state function as a conduit for systems of inequality and privilege What does conduit mean o the state is a thing and an institution that organizes and legitimizes and maintains power in society because of that the state operates in a conduit for systems of inequalities and privilege because it transmits the social values into actual concrete policy that has real material impact on peoples lives conduit a means by which something is done Metaphor of transmission A conduit is something that transmits something What controversy happened at the Tailhook convention o Also called The Gauntlet refers to a series of incidents where more than 100 U S Navy and Marine Corps aviation officers were alleged to have sexually assaulted at least 83 women and 7 men in 1991 they were charged but not convicted o They were molested and sexually harassed NOT RAPED o Called the gauntlet they sent women and men down the hallway and they would touch them What are the themes for a future with a feminist inspired integrity o 1 Set feminist priorities and keep them o 2 Live in and envision a society that balances personal freedom and identity with public and collective responsibility o 3 Recognize that corporate capitalism does not function in everybody s interests o 4 A present and future with a core value of feminist integrity is one that understands the limitations of technology as well as its liberating aspects Mack WGS 2500 Spring 2014 o 5 Feminist integrity requires advocating a sustainable physical environment o 6 A peaceful and sustainable future is one that respects human dignity celebrates difference and diversity and yet recognizes that diversity does not necessarily imply equality o 7 Have a sense of humor and take time to play and celebrate Be able to explain why gendered violence is a systemic issue Explain how choice is a complex and politicized issue for women of color o Women of color s experience with reproductive rights Mack WGS 2500 Spring 2014 o Intersectional analysis using the experiences of women of color to complicate the assumption we have of how things operate o Concept of choice is rooted in Neoliberal traditions what does that mean Neoliberalism is a political and economical philosophy that was started by economists at the university of Chicago in early 80s by Milton freeman Theory if you reduce the government the more you get rid of those things the more you increase the autonomy of individuals deregulate corporations If you do those things that will result in this freedom of the market economic market that allows the market to work out problems on its own and it ll be highly efficient and strengthen our economic situation Neoliberalism became popular Clinton Reagan bush etc Deregulation getting rid of there s an assumption that if you get rid of this government red tape there s an assumption people are fundamentally equal But the unfortunate argument is that that ignores systemic inequality or the ways that people of color or poor are constrained in ways and their choices aren t as free Some ways women of color s choices been restricted Forced sterilization Small pox blankets resulting in infertility Forced abortion What is the suggestion that the reading gives for what to do about this issue Identity based organizing bc the proprieties of women of color are different their experiences are different so as a result we should do identity based organizing organize in local communities around people s interest o Women of color organizing for their own reproductive rights o It means your going to organize around identity races cultures etc movements that reflect people s interest more effectively Know the definitions and applications of the following terms Fighting fuck toy o Hyper sexualized women protagonists who are able to kick ass with the best of them and look good doing it she appears empowered but her very existence serves the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer Mack WGS 2500 Spring 2014 Symbolic annihilation o The systematic underrepresentation of an particular group or groups and or media representations that favor stereotypes and omit realistic portrayals the absence of representation or underrepresentation of some group of people in the media often based on their race sex

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