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Latin Test 3 Nouns Locus loci m place passage in literature Loca locorum n pl places region Loci locorum m passages in literature Morbus morbid m disease sickness Studium studii n eagerness zeal pursuit study Amicitia amicitiae f friendship Cupiditas cupiditatis f desire longing passion Hora horae f hour time Natura naturae f nature Senectus senectutis f old age Timor timoris m fear Veritas veritatis f truth Via viae f way road street Voluptas voluptatis f pleasure Caput capitis n head leader Consul consulis m consul Nemo nullius nemini neminem nullo or nulla m or f no one nobody Ego mei I Tu tui you Adulescens adulescentis m f young man or woman Annus anni m year Asia Asiae f Asia Caesar Caesaris m Caesar Mater matris f mother Medicus medici m doctor physician Medica medicae f doctor physician Pater patris m father Patientia patientiae f suffering patience endurance Principium principii n beginning Divitiae divitiarum f riches wealth Factum facti n deed act achievement Signum signi n sign signal indication Ipse ipsa ipsum myself yourself himself herself itself Quisque quidque each one each person each thing Sui himself herself itself themselves Suus sua suum his own her own its own their own Adjectives Hic haec hoc this the latter at times weakened he she it they Ille illa illud that the former the famous he she it they Iste ista istud that of yours that the infamous that Alius alia aliud other another Alii alii some others Alter altera alterum the other of two second Neuter neuter neutrum not either neither Nullus nulla nullum not any no none Solus sola solum alone only the only Non solum sed etiam not only but also Totus tota totum whole entire Ullus ulla ullum any Unus una unum one single alone Uter utra utrum either which of two Enim for in fact truly Beatus beata beatum happy fortunate blessed Is ea id this that he she it Idem eadem idem the same Amicus amica amicum friendly Carus cara carum dear Acerbus acerba acerbum harsh bitter grevious Doctus docta doctum taught learned skilled Fortunatus fortunata fortunatum lucky fortunate happy Conjunctions Quoniam since inasmuch as Quod because Neque and not Nec nor Neque neque or nec nec neither nor Autem however moreover Nam for Prepositions Cum with In acc into toward against Pro prep abl in front of before on behalf of for as Ante prep acc before in front of Per prep acc through Adverbs Nimis nimium too too much excessively Bene well satisfactorily quite Etiam even also Diu long for a long time Nuper recently Olim once long ago formerly some day in the future Verbs Audio audire audivi auditum to hear listen to Capio capere cepi captum to take capture seize get Dico dicere dixi dictum to say tell speak name Facio facere feci factum to make do accomplish Fugio fugere fugi fugiturum to flee hurry away escape avoid shun Venio venire veni ventum to come Invenio invenire inveni inventum to come upon find Vivo vivere vixi victum to live Intellego intellegere intellexi intellectum to understand Mitto mittere misi missum to send let go Amitto amittere amisi amissum to send away lose let go Cado cadere cecidi casurum to fall Creo creare creavi creatum to create Alo alere alui altum to nourish support sustain increase Diligo diligere dilexi dilectum to esteem love Iungo iungere iunxi iunctum to join Sto stare steti statum to stand stand still or firm

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