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Geography 1003 Human Geography Africa and Asia Apartheid the policy of racial separateness that directed separate residential and work spaces for white black coloreds and Indians in South Africa for nearly 50 years It was abolished when the African National Congress came to power in 1994 Berlin Conference 1884 conference that divided Africa into European colonial territories The boundaries created in Berlin satisfied European ambition but ignored indigenous cultural affiliations Many of Africa s civil conflicts can be traced to ill conceived territorial divisions crafted in 1884 Homelands Nominally independent ethnic territories created for blacks under the grand apartheid scheme Were on marginal land overcrowded and poorly serviced In the post apartheid era they were eliminated Horn of Africa The northeastern corner of Sub Saharan Africa that includes the states of Somalia Ethiopia Eritrea and Djibouti Since 1980s drought famine ethnic conflict and political turmoil have undermined development efforts in this area Sahel The semi desert region at the southern fringe of Sahara and the countries that fall within this region which extends from Senegal to Sudan Droughts in 1970s and early 1980s caused widespread famine and dislocation of population Millennium Development Goals Part of a group of programs implemented since 2000 to foster development in the world s poorest countries Are part of a global United Nations effort to reduce extreme poverty by 2015 Atoll Low sandy islands made form coral often oriented around a central lagoon Melanesia region that includes the culturally complex generally darker skinned peoples of New Guinea the Solomon Islands Vanuatu New Caledonia and Fiji Micronesia region that includes the culturally diverse generally small islands north of Melanesia Includes the Mariana islands Marshall islands and Federated states of Micronesia Polynesia region broadly unified by language and cultural traditions includes Hawaiian islands Marqueasas islands society islands Tuamontu archipelago cook islands American Samoa Samoa Tonga and Kiribati Understand the Suez Canal s importance to international trade between Europe and Asia Slides for November 4th Textbook page 320 Connects the Mediterranean sea and the red sea Links Europe to Asia directly Lifeline between British India and Britain Identify the relationship between the distribution of Egypt s population the country s prevailing climate and the Nile River Slides for November 4th Textbook page 303 Most of the people live in the Nile River Delta in all of Mideast Agriculture on one side and desert on the other modern country Tropic desert belt warm low pressure air little rain import fresh water Upper Nile river valley narrow irrigated strip along the river surrounded by desert Egypt is in the desert it s hot need water source rely on the river Know that Israel and Egypt are the largest peacetime recipients of U S economic and military foreign aid Describe how Egypt became an American ally after it went from being one of Israel s greatest enemies to signing a peace treaty with Israel Slides for November 4th Sadat signed the Camp David Accords with Israel and re oriented Egypt s foreign policy to become a close American ally Sadat was defeated and then signed Egypt is strategically placed for USA key geographical point Identify that Egypt played a large role in the Arab Spring of 2011 with the overthrow of Egypt s president and that Egypt has gone through continuous political instability since then with another president overthrown by the military this past summer Slides for November 4th Is now politically paralyzed Arab Spring which began in Tunisia in North Africa in late 2010 It spread its example to Egypt and a huge protest movement against Mubarak Forced him from power in March 2011 President Morsi was overthrown by the Egyptian army in July 2013 The army killed hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters holding sit ins around Cairo in late 2013 Understand the profound change that s taken place in where the people of the Arabian Peninsula live and the factor that drove this change over the past half century Slides for November 6th Textbook page 307 Oil and gas industry attracts labor migrations from poorer Mideast countries Living on better level degree of change is more stagnate no work even for those with higher education From rural to urban population change and many foreign workers Be able to identify the cultural differences between the people who live on the opposing shores of the Persian Arabian Gulf and the role of foreign guest workers in the wealthy Gulf monarchies on its southern shore Slides for November 6th Textbook page 308 Arab Lebanon Iraq Saudi Arabia Arabian Gulf Iran islam Persian Gulf Main Differences Ethnicity language religious denominations Be able to differentiate between differences Nationality like between North and South Koreans Ethnicity like between Arabs and Kurds Religion like between Muslims and Jews Denominations like between Sunni and Shi a Muslims Know that Southwest Asia North Africa is a majority urban world region while Sub Saharan Africa and the Pacific Island nations of Oceania are majority rural Be familiar with the timeline of major events in the Mideast like the fall of the Ottoman Empire Turkey and establishment of European rule in 1917 the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and the Israeli conquest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967 Slides for November 11th Textbook pages 319 21 Attempted partition of Palestine b w Arab and Isreali states Understand what the Lebanese political system of confessionalism means for how political power gets distributed among different religious groups Slides for November 11th Based on religion Fixed number of seats in the governments Seats are for different religions population based Lebanon small along the Medditeraniean Confessionalism distributes votes along the basis of religious identity Separate and decide on positions from the population s faith Led to problems French set the national parliament 6 5 ratio Christian Muslim didn t change the ratio when the census changed Religion involved in politics and caused a religious war Know that Lebanon s civil war drew in international intervention from Syria Israel the U S and others and led to an international diaspora or dispersal of many Lebanese people all around the world Slides for November 11th Destroyed each other Became international conflict because of the location

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