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Developmental Psychology 2301 Final Study Guide Part 1 Begins Middle of Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 2 nd Half of Chapter 7 Intelligence o Capacity to learn and use skills required to adapt to the demands of ones culture and environment o Intelligent behavior will vary across situations depends on demands of situations we face ones ability vs many dimensions o Our intelligence is made up of crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence o Crystallized o Fluid developed over time historic Ex vocabulary history problem solving skills and abilities Ex logical reasoning inference abilities inductive and deductive knowledge o We tend to retain crystallized knowledge over the extent of our lives and lose some capacity for fluid intelligence Horn Gardner o Forms of intelligence exist apart and away from another o Individuals can be amazingly talented in certain areas all different Different Areas of Intelligence Musical Math Logical Linguistic Interpersonal social skills relating to others Spatial Intrapersonal awareness of own emotions knowing yourself well Bodily Kinesthetic athletic ability Naturalistic awareness of different species artifacts plants animals Sternberg o Triarchic Theory of Intelligence 3 different areas of intelligence 2 Experimental 1 Componential logical planning monitoring solutions evaluating how quickly we solve solutions speed of learning performance studying to acquire knowledge quickly sorting through strategies our ability to adapt to social and cultural environments adapting our behavior so it is appropriate for social situations learning to adapt to rules of societies outside our own 3 Contextual Measurement IQ Binet o Developed the first intelligence test placement test used to sort French children into professions o Modern test Stanford Binet IQ Test Assesses everyday knowledge Verbal Ability Memory Math Logical Reasoning Wechsler o Preschool and primary scale of intelligence Group differences in IQ Gender eventually catch up o Girls tend to out perform boys in verbal abilities in early childhood boys o Boys are better than girls with math logic problems Boys continue to be head slightly before high school and then more so after that Difference persists over time o Males tend to dominate in math and science o Attribution Bias males will attribute successes to stable causes and failures to unstable causes whereas females are the opposite success is due to unstable causes failure is due to stable causes Stable ability intelligence Unstable luck chance better in all girl classrooms where dynamics are addressed girls are less likely to participate be called on Girls do o Classroom dynamics Ethnic o Stevenson studied differences between American and Asian kids Asians out perform Went to Japan China to document study habits Classrooms are different kids spend more time on school work Kids smoothly transition from one subject to another without breaks More absolute study time style of learning Compared to American kids American kids take longer to transition from one subject assignment to another rocky transition Shorter absolute study time o Asian Parents in the US o Asian Teachers abroad more enthusiastic Teaching is much more of an honored profession than in America Asian teachers held to a much higher standard early edu held to a higher standard than college professors stress achievement to a higher extent Doing well in school is to honor the parent Good grades determined by effort not ability success comes from hard work black kids in the US Kids are approximately the same until about age 3 and then begin to show differences white kids tend to be 5 15 points higher in IQ than o Black White Differences Explanation of IQ Genetics vs the Environment Genes o Linked to IQ o The closer our genetic code the closer the IQ ex identical twins o Genotype different across social class Environment o The more stimulating the environment the higher the intelligence o Exposing kids to more stimulating environments results in a higher IQ o Ex 1960s poor black kids half put in a middle class family half put in a poor family Results 20 pt difference in IQ favoring kids in middle class houses Flynn Effect o Studied 19th and 20th century IQ scores IQ improved overtime o If IQ is strictly genetic how is this possible o The Environment has changed overtime thus IQ has also changed Factors linked to IQ Home Life o Parenting quality kids were exposed to o Kids with a higher IQ had highly affectionate parents highly involved vocally responsive to kids Home life very structured organized o Disorganized environments result in lower IQ scores Little time structure in the home a lot of traffic in and out of the house o High IQ kids have parents with high expectations Parent s expectations have a greater affect on kid s academic performance than teacher s expectations o High IQ kids parents praise efforts rather than criticize Scaffold kids guide them toward answers and let the child figure them out Zigler o Project Headstart o Argues that we know enough about kids school achievement so we should Intervention intervene help kids to achieve more o Kids should leave school with an advantage above the lower class non o Provide kids with a stimulating environment responsive teachers proper educated kids meals o MOLD kids performances o Do not give kids the answers instead lead them prepare them to get answers on their own Results of Headstart o Verbal and math skills higher o In elementary school kids were more advanced higher achievers 8x more likely to pursue a post high school education program Chapter 8 Social Development Parents Parenting Styles Control and Emotional Support o High controlling or permissive o Warm Responsive or Cold Hostile Control Restrictive OR Permissive Lots of Rules Make few demands of kids behavior Expect kids to obey Limitations important Freedom good for kids expression in order to guide kids Believe restrictions limit self expression behavior High levels of freedom Emotional Support Warm OR Cold Hostile Highly expressive with affection Non engaging Encouraging Indifferent or Disapproving Rarely express disapproval Hostile Angry Baumrind o Categorized dimensions of parents control emotions o Parents can fall into 4 different categories reflect parent s philosophy on o Authoritarian o Authoritative Parents value control Obedience is a virtue Kids do not have what they believe is best for their kids 1 Warm Restrictive Authoritative 2 Warm Permissive

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TEMPLE PSY 2301 - Final Study Guide Part 1

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