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What is Biology The study of life What are the 3 domains Eukarya bacteria and archae What are the 4 kingdoms in Eukarya Animalia Plantae Fungi and Protista What are the properties of life 1 They have order 2 Regulate themselves homeostasis 3 Grow and develop 4 Respond to environment 5 They reproduce 6 Populations evolve 7 Use energy How do you define something as living What are some common themes in biology The scope of life and emergent properties Organisms exchange matter and energy within ecosystems Evolution Diversity is the hallmark of life and the diverse forms of life fit their function The continuity of life is based on info in the DNA Cells are an organism s basic unit What is the scientific method Know the components of it Observation Question Hypothesis Prediction Experiment Predicted result What is a hypothesis Proposed explanation for a set of observations What are the components of a good hypothesis Be able to identify the difference between a hypothesis prediction observation and control Be able to take an experimental plan and determine the appropriate hypothesis prediction conclusion etc What is a theory in science A well supported concept that has broad explanatory power What are the limits of science What is an atom Smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element What is an atom composed of Subatomic particles which include protons electrons and neutrons What are the characteristics of neutrons protons and electrons Neutrons are electrically neutral which means no charge Protons has a positive charge Electron has a negative charge What is an ion Atoms or molecules that are electrically charged as a result of gaining or losing electrons What is the difference between an ion and isotope An ion is an atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge An isotope has atoms with the same number of protons same element but with different number of neutrons different mass What is the association between isotopes and fossils Half life What is energy The capacity to do work make change in matter What is a neutral atom An atom with no charge What is a trace element Required inver small amounts but necessary for living We have 14 of them Ca What is a radioactive isotope The nucleus decays giving off particles and energy How many electrons are found in the first energy shell Second Third 2 8 18 Be able to place electrons in the appropriate shell What is the difference between atomic number and atomic mass Number of protons found in the nucleus How can you determine one from the other Atomic mass is protons neutrons with neutral atom and atomic number of protons What are the different types of chemical bonds Ionic hydrogen covalent How are they formed Covalent Atoms share electrons Ionic Attractive force between oppositely charged ions Hydrogen Forms between polar molecules unequal sharing of electrons Which bond is the strongest weakest Strongest is covalent Weakest is hydrogen Why is the chemistry of life water chemistry How does the hydrogen bond contribute to the properties of water Main unique properties of water are due to hydrogen bonds Ice floating high heat vaporization strong surface tension and high specific heat What is the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond Ionic bonds are formed between two atoms usually a metal and nonmetal through losing gaining an electron Covalent bond are usually between two non metals They involve atoms that share electrons these atoms do not lose or gain electrons but will share In a chemical reaction what is beginning material known as Reactant ASIn a chemical reaction what is the ending material referred to as Product Why can water absorb a lot of heat It has high heat capacity Why does ice float Density of ice is lower than water Why is ice less dense It has fewer molecules What is the ecological importance of ice floating Sheets of ice insulate they do not freeze solid Know the difference between a solution solvent and solute Solvent The dissolving agent of solution water Solute Substance that is dissolved salt Solution Liquid that is homogeneous mixture of two or more substances salt water What is pH Measure of hydrogen ion concentration in solution What is an acid pH 7 Donate hydrogen ions Increase hydrogen ion concentration in solutions Examples Urine black coffee lemon juice vinegar What is a base pH 7 Accept hydrogen ions Decrease hydrogen ion concentration in solutions Know examples of bases and acids Examples baking soda bleach ammonia cleaner What is a hydrolysis reaction Adds water molecules to break apart macromolecules What is a dehydration reaction Ionic bonds are formed between two atoms usually a metal and nonmetal through closing gaining an electron Covalent bond are usually between two non metals They involve atoms that share electrons these atoms do not lose or gain electrons but will share What are the 4 basic macromolecules Carbs lipids nucleic acids proteins What are the characteristics and properties of each macromolecule Subunits are sugars Contain c h o in a ratio of 1 2 1 Polymers are polysaccharides provide structural support to plants and store energy What are the building blocks of each macromolecule Proteins are built from amino acids Nucleic acids consist of DNA and RNA Know examples of each macromolecule What is high fructose corn syrup Fructose and glucose Why are trans fats considered unhealthy Our body cannot digest them Un intentional byproduct What is an organic molecule An organic compound is any member of a large class of chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon What is the difference between a simple and complex carbohydrate Simple carbohydrates are made up of one or two sugars Complex carbohydrates are made up of three or more linked sugars Know the difference and common examples of mono di and polysaccharides Monosaccharaides simple sugars Examples fructose in fruit honey glucose in sports drinks Disaccharides double sugar joined by process of dehydradtion synthesis Examples sucrose glucose fructose lactose galatacose glucose maltose glucose glucose Polysaccharides complex carbohydrates polymers of monosach Example starch Who stores glycogen Starch a What monosaccharide are they made from b Why or how are they different What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated lipid Saturated lipid do not have a double bond and are solid at room temp Mostly found in animals Unsaturated lipids have one or more double bonds liquid at

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UA BSC 108 - What is Biology?

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