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HISTORY OF ROCK Exam One 3 3 14 Listening Examples 1 Jim Jam Band 38 Slug 00 Folkways a Who street corner band guitar washboard mandolin kazoo bones UNKNOWN PERFORMERS b What example of kazoo voice being used as a rhythm instrument drum also layered rhythm and blues notes bending c When recorded 1920 s d Where New Orleans recorded by Smithsonian Folkways Label as historical archive e Significance example of very early music handed down by oral tradition to performers means the style represents up to 3 or more generations before the recording as to it s style 2 Spiritual Fisk University Singers Everytime I Feel The Spirit a Who Fisk University Singers b What early spiritual unknown composer purpose was for religious expression c When 19th century d Where African churches e Significance notated written down and arranged by early choral conductors at black universities represents music that was done through oral tradition for generations before it was written down a little after the Civil War to preserve it 3 Spiritual Robeson Paul Go Down Moses a Who Paul Robeson Actor Singer b What early spiritual unknown composer notated by early choral conductors purpose was for religious expression c When 19th century d Where African churches e Significance performer utilizes blue note bending effects in voice illustrates existence of music multiple generations before it 4 Work Song Leadbelly Julie Ann Johnson a Who Leadbelly Huddie Ledbetter Folk Blues musician b What work song for purpose of rhythmically coordinating work tasks c When dates to before 1900 example of early music d Where recorded by Smithsonian as archival recording e Significance performer utilizes blue note bending effects in voice illustrates existence of music multiple generations before it was recorded was passed down by oral tradition 5 Blind Lemon Jefferson Black Snake Moan Texas Blues a Who Blind Lemon Jefferson Famous Itinerant Bluesman b What typical country Delta 12 Bar Blues c When 1927 written and performed earlier d Where recorded in Chicago e Significance Jefferson performed and lived mostly in Dallas therefore called Texas Style Consists of rapid melodic guitar work between stanzas of the lyric in a call and response manner 6 Bessie Smith w Louis Armstrong St Louis Blues 1 14 25 NYC a Who Bessie Smith featured a young not yet famous Louis Armstrong and unknown keyboardist playing the Parlor Organ b What a non 12 Bar Blues where the term refers to the bluesy manner of the style A composed piece by W C Handy c When Recorded in 1925 d Where NYC e Significance Bessie Smith the most famous female Blues singer up to that time was no an itinerant male archtype She was considered an up scale nightclub performer and recording artist She was by this time labeled a Jazz performer At this point Armstrong was her junior and is picking up style elements from Bessie Introduction Materials Daily Notes Early Afro European Music and Blues

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