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Ch 4 Lecture 1 and 2 Consciousness Sleep Dreams and Hypnosis What is consciousness and what creatures experience it The awareness of complex private processes such as perception thinking and remembering o Waking consciousness your thoughts feelings and sensations are clear and organized You feel alert o Altered state of consciousness thoughts may be fuzzy and disorganized taking bizarre turns You may feel less alert of more alert What are some examples of altered state of consciousness Divided consciousness daydreaming sleep hypnosis meditation drugs Divided talking on a cell phone while driving but don t remember drive Attending to one thing while other part is focused on something else Daydreaming in your own little world Sleep Sleep What is sleep days o Biological rhythms o Infradian occur over a period of time greater than 24 hours Menstrual cycle 28 o Ultradian occur more than once within a 24 hour cycle Most are confined to either day or night like eating during the day 3 times a day o Circadian variation occurs in roughly a 24 hour period sleep wake cycle What happens when we go without sleep o Microsleeps brief periods of sleep lasting for a matter of seconds o Sleep Deprivation symptoms trembling hands inattention staring off into space droopy eyelids general discomfort depression and irritability How does sleep change as we age Why do we sleep o Restorative Theory of Sleep we sleep for health reasons o The Adaptive Theory of Sleep sleep is a product of evolution What processes mechanisms play a role in sleep o SCN measures light and at what time of the day to go to sleep o Hypothalamus Melatonin released when your body has a lot of light when on a phone or laptop or TV you don t receive a lot of light because it is blue light so it suppresses melatonin and makes you not sleep Serotonin Body temperature when low you are least aware and probably sleeping During day it is at its highest when you are most aware What are the stages of sleep How can we determine what stage of sleep a person is in o Types of sleep REM rapid eye movement Non REM o 4 stages of Non REM and one stage of REM o Electroencephalograph to find out stage of sleep Beta high fast frequency alpha theta delta o The stages of sleep o Stage 1 Light sleep hypnogogic images or hallucinations hypnic jerk o Delta waves stage 3 and 4 What occurs during REM sleep Final stage after stage 4 a person experiences stage 3 and 2 again and then REM sleep What happens dreams REM paralysis REM rebound What are some sleep disorders Nightmares REM behavior disorder sleep walking night terrors insomnia sleep apnea narcolepsy hypersomnia sleep related eating disorder What is jet lag A period of discomfort and inefficiency while your internal clock is out of phase with your new surroundings Generally easier to adjust if going west Why do we dream o Freudian Theory two layers to a dream Manifest what occurs in a dream and latent what the dream means o Activation synthesis hypothesis o Lucid dreaming able to control your dream Hypnosis What is hypnosis and what isn t it Four elements 1 The hypnotist tells the person to focus on what is being said 2 The person is told to relax and feel tired 3 The hypnotist tells the person to let go and accept suggestions easily 4 The person is told to use vivid imagination Hypnotic susceptibility degree to which a person is a good hypnotic subject What are some of the theories of hypnosis Hypnosis as dissociation only works on the immediate conscious mind A part of the mind is still aware of what is going on Social Cognitive Theory People who are hypnotized are merely playing their expected role even if they do not know it What is meditation Amethod of inducing a calm relaxed state through the use of special techniques One of several ways to relax Meditation Drugs What are psychoactive drugs and some types of them Drugs that alter thinking perception and memory Stimulants depressants opiates What is dependence o Physical effect Tolerance more and more of the drug is needed to achieve the same Withdrawal physical symptoms that can include nausea pain tremors crankiness and high blood pressure resulting from a lack of an addictive drug in the body system o Psychological dependence the feeling that a drug is needed to continue a feeling of emotional or psychological well being Example cocaine o Addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse consequences What are stimulants and some examples Drugs that increase the functioning of the o Amphetamines drugs that are synthesized made in labs rather than found in nervous system nature o Cocaine natural drug produces euphoria energy power and pleasure o Nicotine active ingredient in tobacco o Caffeine the stimulant found in coffee tea most sodas chocolate and even many over the counter drugs What are depressants and some examples Drugs that decrease the functioning of the nervous system o Barbiturates depressant drugs that have a sedative effect o Benzodiazepines drugs that lower anxiety and reduce stress o Rohypnol the date rape drug o Alcohol the chemical resulting from fermentation or distillation of various kinds of vegetable matter Often taken for a stimulant alcohol is actually a depressant on the CNS What are opiates and some examples o Narcotics suppress the sensation of pain by binding to and stimulating the nervous system s natural receptor sites for endorphins A class of opium related drugs o Opium substance derived from the opium poppy from which all narcotic drugs are derived o Morphine narcotic drug derived from opium used to treat severe pain o Heroin derived from opium that is extremely addictive What are hallucinogens and some examples Hallucinogens drugs that cause false sensory messages altering the perception of reality Psychogenic drugs produce hallucinations or increased feelings of relaxing and intoxication o LSD synthetic acid o PCP angle dust synthesized drug used as an animal tranquilizer Can cause stimulant depressant narcotic or hallucinogenic effects o Stimulatory hallucinogenics mixture of psychomotor stimulant and hallucinogenic effects o MDMA Ecstasy or X can have both stimulant and hallucinatory effects o Mescaline natural hallucinogen derived from peyote and cactus buttons o Psilocybin natural hallucinogen found in certain mushrooms o Marijuana mild hallucinogen derived from the leaves and flowers of a particular o Cannabis is reported to relieve pain in cases of multiple

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LSU PSYC 1001 - Consciousness Sleep, Dreams, and Hypnosis

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