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BIO Final Review Thermodynamics o First and second law Conservation and useful energy o Reactants products If products have less energy than reactants exergonic Product more energy than reactants endergonic Activation energy Coupling reactions ATP di to tri Energy between phosphates Electron carriers o How make step by step processes run rapid at normal temps It s a protein which means it must maintain its tertiary structure Enzymes bio catalyst lowers activation energy and is not altered in the process Must maintain active site What does substrate bind to active site What binds to the active site Substrate Understand how it works and importance f maintaining the structure Enzyme regulation o Prokaryotes can turn genes on and off o Negative feedback end product exhibition Allosteric competitive Balance the effect of the enzyme at all times Photosynthesis Glycolysis o Photosynthesis thylakoid light dependent stroma light independent Photo making light useful Convert light to ATP and NADPH and oxygen Because we don t recycle electrons Where are the electrons going to the stroma Calvin Benson C3 cycle in the stroma making glucose What starts and ends the cycle ribulose bisphosphate How many carbons at a time do you use to build glucose 3 First step is carbon fixation use co2 o Glucose degradation 1 glycolosis 2 fermentation 3 respiration What Is the anaerobic process that always begins the process of respiration Have to input energy to put out energy Pyruvate is the end product Runs under anaerobic conditions Works in the cell cytosol What dictates fate of pyruvate w oxygen w o oxygen What is the role of oxygen Start in the matrix o Works at the inner membrane o Electron transport Molecular genetics o How did they determine dna was important Bacterial transformation Hersey chase experiment selectively labeled protein vs DNA They determined dna was important as the genetic material o Watson crick double helix model o What a nucleotide made of o Complementary base pairs Build strand of dna Double helix 2 strands Hydrogen bonds hold together the two strands Sugar phosphate back bones Steps complementary bases o How do you get replication Semi conservative Take original parent strands separate them use them as templates to line up daughter strands Primary enzyme Dna polymerase Mutations 1 point o Can go from having no effect to stop 2 Insertion deletions result in frame shift o DNA genetic material Primary structure sequence of amino acids Codes for sequence of amino acids Using complementary bases can go from dna to rna Re encoding of dna t rna transcription 3 diff types of rna Enzyme rna polymerase Put all the rna together through translation Replication transcription translation How do we use four things to code for 20 diff amino acids Use 3 the whole way through 3 at a time at the dna level called a triplet 3 at a time in the messenger codons 64 codons 4 punctuation leaves 60 for amino acids that s why we have redundancy Triplet codon anti codon Consequence frame shift Not making the same protein o Different looking cells Prokaryotic unit of regulating gene expression The apron Regulate gene expression What comprises an operon Nucleus and nature of our dna Wan the exons in the protein don t want the introns in the protein Basic of genetic engineering o 1 restriction enzyme ex dna fingerprint o 2 Plasmid extra circular piece of dna from one to another

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GSU BIOL 1103K - BIO Final Review

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