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HISTORY 104 FINAL STUDY GUIDE Text IDS 1 Marco Polo His journey in Asia and his experienced opinions on the new and different cultures and traditions First of Europeans to see these new cultures It was culture shock fore Europeans Gave Europeans new knowledge of not only trade but also a brand new culture Expanding of international trade through shipping trade on boats Chinghiz Khan Very wise Great leader Kubilai Khan Great Khan Ruler of China after Chinghiz Khan Keeps a strict curfew Organized Tolerant Ahmad Themes Advices Great Khan people who had a bad year Communication through horses Monetization legalize coin money Big deal for paper money Banquets Mongol invasions Suburbs have violence Marco Polo s travel log Great Khan helps the common people by giving cattle and crops to 2 East African Coast Variety of people included in trade in E African Good description of the tribes lifestyles of the natives Themes Monsoon winds Only allowed to travel in one direction during certain times of the year King negro is tricked by travelers enslaved becomes Islamic and forgives but doesn t trust Ports at Mogadishu customs and rituals with Sultan Tribes their different lifestyles of natives Spread of religion Multiculturalism at different ports Trade Slavery 3 Florentine Codex Aztecs describing people who have lived in modern day Mexico and describing their lifestyles Evidence of ancient people in modern day Mexico s lifestyle traditions customs administration Evidence of Mexicali the Aztecs admiring and copying the Toltec s Assimilation of culture Themes Sedentary vs non sedentary people Toltecs Otomi Mexica Barbaric vs non barbaric Agriculture Civilization Idealizing the past thinking it was better Specialization and craftsmanship social classes trade Sedentary Land holding passed from generations people stay and work on land but don t own it Land is communal and owned by community but also belong to individual because they stay and work on land Place pride in area Agriculture both men women Taxation system Repay with labor Urbanization Built monuments with resources Trade Social Classes o Nobility elites o Commoners merchants specialists craftsman o Slaves Semi sedentary Only women focus on agriculture men focus on hunting No taxing system No specialized social classes No central government People come and go as they please Lack surplus Place pride in weapons war and family Invade other areas easier A lot more skill with weaponry Non sedentary Nomads No surplus or cultivation No permanent settlement Hunt and gather as they need it Lack common features of civilization culture Family sizes are smaller Comprehensive Essays 1 What role does agriculture play in the history of the world before 1500 CE Thesis Agriculture plays an important role in the history of the world before 1500 CE through its influence on social political and economical issues Agriculture commitment to intense use and primarily reliance to domestic Starting in 8000 BCE resources Increase in land surplus population increase commerce urbanization EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH AGRICULTURE Creates empires Government administration of fields Where it is possible Fertile nutrient areas vs desert Help expand areas no expansion without Controls place of living Social status Social Domesticated of plants Spices Political Economical Population Regional differences Trading Specialization surplus Jobs Surplus throughout world history 2 What is the relationship between sedentary and non sedentary peoples Thesis Throughout world history the unique relationship between sedentary and non sedentary people consists of their independent lifestyles their dependence on each other s co existence and their ultimate affect on empires Sedentary Land holding passed from generations people stay and work on land but don t own it Land is communal and owned by community but also belong to individual because they stay and work on land Place pride in area Agriculture both men women Taxation system Urbanization Trade Built monuments with resources Social Classes o Nobility elites o Commoners merchants specialists craftsman o Slaves Non sedentary Nomads No surplus or cultivation No permanent settlement Hunt and gather as they need it Lack common features of civilization culture Family sizes are smaller Place pride in weapons war and family Both Empires can t control nomadic people as easily as Empires Non sedentary and sedentary people work together Nomads take over Nomads play huge role as middlemen Trade and religion spread because of non sedentary They depend on each other Co existence is crucial Silk Road Middle man Helpful only ones who knew the middle areas Continued to sack Rome and then eventually decided why not just completely take it over Took over china and then decided to become more like the Chinese customs Always took over and created new culture lifestyle Nomads used as army against empires 3 How does the nature and availability of primary sources shape the overall narrative of world history before 1500 Thesis The nature and availability of primary sources shape the overall narrative of world history before 1500 by providing a timeline written records and influencing empires Timeline Show which empires consisted at what time Evidence of concerns of the people of the time May not have been important but still valuable Oracle Bones Written records Their opinions are the only things we can base our information on Only the rich administration could write read so only information on them Mostly upper class not lower class Marco Polo Influence on Empires Destroying or forcing writers to write well about their empires Spread of religion Islam o Gives meaning to life o Affects how people live their life and facilitate right vs wrong o East African Coast Different languages Growth of civilization 4 What factors contribute to the outcome of the encounter between the eastern and western hemispheres circa 1500 CE Thesis The factors that contribute to the outcome of the encounter between the Eastern and Western hemispheres circa 1500 CE are the new technological advances lack of time preparation and spread of disease New technological advances of W Hemisphere Iron Steels swords armor Horses Guns gunpowder Ships navigational compass loaded with cannons From land to sea Lack of time preparation W Hemisphere didn t have enough time to be ready Lack of trade routes Isolation Disease W Hemisphere taken over by disease Smallpox among Aztecs Drastic decline in

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