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Wildlife Values Values Constant back and forth between preserving nature and wildlife and expanding and industrializing the earth and uses it s natural recourses Increasingly there is a balance between o Economic Considerations o Political Considerations o Ethical Considerations o How we feel on all of this issues goes back to what peoples values are Classified Values in 2 Ways 1 Instrumental Utilitarian things we can use instrument Things that keep us here and allow us to live as we want Anthropocentric o Goods timber food etc o Services Ex Bees pollinate o Information So much information in nature that we are constantly using in medicine and SO many other areas of our daily lives Found what makes Aspirin in nature 2 Intrinsic Inherent Ex We think Polar Bears have intrinsic values to live in the right habitat they have been around for millions of years and have that right You can have an intrinsic value to a specific ecosystem Biocentric Ecocentric These correlate with Ethic Values Ethics Ethics A limitation on freedom of action They are what we use to constrain self serving behavior They help to define what is right and wrong and why Aldo Leopold Three Philosophical Approaches to Environmental Ethics Anthropocentrism All environmental responsibility is derived from human centered ethics and done in the interest of human benefit Mining coal gold any natural recourses Biocentrism Life centered environmental ethics Worried about all life forms Egocentrism Environment deserves direct moral consideration not consideration derived from human or animal interest Think about the entire ecosystem an organism lives in and how we impact it Not mutually exclusive Ethics can differ for everyone May differ culturally Some issues are should be agreed upon globally o Right to life liberty and security o A global environment ethic How do we change our ethics how do we move towards a global ethic o Friends o Family o Culture o Religion Religious environmental ethics are instrumental to conserving biodiversity A broader environmental ethic is needed as well Ecocentric Biocentric Anthropocentric It cant be any single one of these The next step in the evolution of ethics Include non human members of biotic community A thing is right when it tend to preserve the integrity stability and beauty of the biotic community It is wrong when it tends otherwise Ethical changes start with the individual Individuals want the environment cleaned up but don t want to change their lifestyle o Ex One CFL lightbulb in every US house 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions o Ex Ride bike to work and places Laws should match the ethics of a community Not all ethical issues can be legislated Many environmental issues It can be difficult to find a win win situation

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UD ENWC 201 - Wildlife Values

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