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Leadership o Pros o Cons Trait Theories of Leadership Pros and Cons o Leaders have certain characteristics Intelligence self confidence determination integrity and sociability These traits typically result in a success in leadership activities Controversy about having a set list of specific characteristics that defines all leaders Suggests that a particular leader will be effective across all situations Contingency Theory o Matching the style of the leader to the characteristics of the situation o Success is contingent on The leader s motivational style The leader s capacity to control the situation o Leadership Styles Relationship motivated leaders Emphasis on maintaining positive relationship within group friendliness Emphasis on completing task regulating behavior and reducing goal and trust Task motivated leaders ambiguity o Situation Characteristics Leader member relations Quality of relationship between leader and group Task structure Position power Task oriented Do people know what is expected of them How much authority does the leader possess Better when situations are highly favorable unfavorable Relationship oriented Better in mid range situations Leader member Exchange Theory o Leader s relationship is different with each subordinate o Basic Premise Leadership is a series of dyadic relationships develop and negotiated over time Relationships can range in closeness o Range of Relationship Types Leader member exchange LMX Mutual trust liking greater interactions Maintenance o Subordinate Tactics Personal contractual regulate direct negotiation o Leader Tactics Pro social tactics self esteem responsibility to others Less authority less punishment threats Supervisory exchange SX Role defined contractually based Maintenance o Invoke authority give directives o Characteristics of Different Superior subordinate Relationships Immediacy Feedback Communicating warmth closeness Can have positive outcomes when done effectively When giving positive feedback o Add complexity o Effects more long lasting o Include guidance for additional improvement When giving negative feedback o Focus on group organization standards o Don t fall in avoidance trap Upward communication Advocacy Subordinate to superior Effective approach to upward communication o Plan before you pitch o Know if your supervisor will agree with you o Tailor your appeal o Know your supervisor s knowledge level o Create coalitions o Completely articulate your message Downward communication Superior to subordinate o Outcomes of Different Superior subordinate Relationships Low levels of commitment and job satisfaction Moderate performance How to Improve Superior Subordinate Relationships o Build trust through communication Behavioral consistency Integrity Sharing and delegating Demonstration of concern Emotion in the Workplace Emotional Labor o Displaying emotion as part of the job Often faked To satisfy job requirements For personal gain Emotional Work o Deal with genuine and managed emotions Notice need for comparison Be professional improve situations express emotions to the right people etc o How to do these different rules is missing Connect by taking others perspective Respond verbally and nonverbally to help situation Why Emotion Affects Work Relationships o Often unavoidable Public vs private tensions Friends outside of work Interdependence of workers Rumors Conflicting allegiances Emotional rights expectations Problematic when violated o Dealing with inevitability of it Scholars developed emotional rules Emotional Rules o Assume work place environments are equal Emotional Intelligence o Ability to Recognize and interpret emotion Control emotion Express emotion o Predictive of Successful leadership Less bullying More forgiving More empathetic Dealing with Anger o Anger causes people to Be physically and verbally aggressive Passive aggressive o How people deal Suppression Occasionally helpful Can lead to chronic hostility Chronic hostility Constant simmering in anger Venting Exploding at person causing anger o Feels good typically only temporary Research suggests that venting boosts anger Reappraise emotions Call to mind positive aspects of person encounter Consider short and long term implications Jefferson Strategy Count to 10 before reacting Count to 100 if very angry Dealing with Burnout o Burnout Wearing out from pressures of work Emotional exhaustion Depersonalization Lack of personal accomplishment o Stressors that Cause Burnout Workload Role conflict Role ambiguity o Communication Causes of Burnout Emotional labor Constant display of fake emotion Emotional contagion Spreading of emotions Strive for emphatic concern Care for others not adopt their problems Decision making Negotiating Rationality o Common Flaws in Negotiation and Decision Making Trying to beat competitor Suicide marketing Irrational escalation of commitment Choose course of action Continue on course despite all evidence o Integrative vs Distributive Negotiations Integrative Estimate opponent s issue importance o Use negotiation to learn o Identify what is and is not known Distributive for themselves When two or more parties are trying to claim the maximum amount of value Competitive interactions o Win lose outcome o Considering Alternatives when Negotiating Making a Decision Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement BATNA Before negotiation o Determine minimal requirements o Falling for one entity o Consider opponents Often more difficult to assess o Perspective Taking During Negotiation Decision Making Assess interests of BOTH sides Distinguish genuine interests from positions o Positions Requirements demanded o Genuine interests What is really desired Better solutions by identifying interests o Strategies for Integrative Decision Making Build trust Ask a lot of questions Make multiple offers Concession cost cutting Increase resources Novel agreements Identify risk preferences Identify time preferences o Winner s Curse Competitive bidding Fail to consider Possible ramifications View from opposing side Group Decision making Risky Shift Phenomenon o Compared individual vs group decisions Group decisions were more risky Group Polarization o What it is When leaning towards risky choice group choice more risky When leaning towards safe choice group makes safer choice o Reasons Why it Occurs Social comparison In isolation don t know what others think o Group discussion provides insight People want others to view them positively o Similarity

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OSU COMM 3325 - Leadership

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