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Cultural Approaches Prescriptive vs Descriptive Approaches o Prescriptive Culture as something an organization has or ought to have 4 Components Values Heroes Rites and Rituals Cultural Network Strong Culture Success Shortcomings Not just one formula for success objectifies culture o Descriptive Culture as something an organization is 4 Tenants Cultures are complicated cultures are emergent cultures are not unitary culture is often ambiguous Schein s Model of Organizational Culture o Level 1 Artifacts Physical and social environments Easy to see hard to decipher o Level 2 Espoused Values Preferences views on how things should be done Varies among members may may not match Level 1 o Level 3 Basic Assumptions Assumptions about nature of Motivation Relationships Goals o Consistency Identity Levels can be consistent or inconsistent Zappos as a Case Study in Organizational Culture o CEO Tony Hsieh o Not prescriptive approach o Cultural assessments rather than performance evaluations o Be creative Have fun Be communal o First 4 weeks everyone works in call center no one is above it o No temporary employees Strengths and Weaknesses of Culture as a Metaphor o Strengths Highlights symbolic significance of organizational life Highlights shared meaning Highlights social construction of our environment Helps make sense of change o Weaknesses Focus on shaping culture Cultures are complex and evolving Critical Approaches Basic Features of Critical Approaches o Power is an important concept o Ultimate goal emancipation How are critical approaches different from the other approaches we covered o Radical frame of reference organizations sites of domination o Theorist takes an activist role in encouraging organizational transformation Power and Hegemony o A dominant group leads another group to accept subordination as the norm o Manufactured consent o Employees willingly adopt and reinforce hierarchical power structures Role of Language o Resistance in the workplace Feminist Theories o Liberal feminists Remedies for females subordination should come from within the system and that women should work to gain their fair share of control in institutions currently run by men o Radical feminists Emancipation for women can occur only through the destruction of male dominated institutions or through the total separation of women from these institutions Socialization Approaches Three Phases of Socialization o Anticipatory Socialization Occurs prior to entering organization Vocational and organizational Learn about work in general particular organization o Encounter Phase o Metamorphosis Occurs at the point of entry Introduction interpretation mentorship Occurs when outsider becomes an insider Relationship between person and org can still change Mentoring o Formal pairing of new member with old member o Ease the transition o Provides ownership information and connectedness Interviews o Structure of Interviews Structured better predictors of job performance Same rating scales used Series of Q s w predetermined answers Consistently applied across all applicants Unstructured No predetermined questions No rating scales used Free flowing Overt indirect questions 3rd parties testing limits disguising convo observing Don t test limits if new observing shows initiative also leads to blaming o Socialization During Interviews Realistic job previews RJPs Predict job satisfaction and retainment Screening of Job Candidates o Ease of availability social media screening o Check veracity of resume content o Can make inference about personality Good or bad fit Information Seeking o Referent Info How to function o Appraisal Info How well am I doing o Relational Info Status of relationships o Tactics Role Development o Role taking phase Leader assigns tasks learns about abilities o Role making phase o Role routinization Employee seeks to modify role Boss and employee understand role NFL Rookie Article Ravens o Director of Player Development Harry Swayne o 1st real job for most athletes o Develop skills that aren t football related Finance media training relationship advice o Goal to be successful after football average NFL career is less than 4 years o Create professionalism o Major focus on truth and honesty o Players are paired with a veteran mentor Conflict Management Features that Characterize Conflict o Conflict begins with perception People perceive incompatible goals or actions Perceptual errors can shape conflict process o Conflict involves clashes goals and actions o Conflict is a process It unfolds over time Each action affects the direction of the conflict It s dynamic and often unpredictable Often not a one time event Conflict exists decide on how to handle deal with resolutions Role of Power in Conflict o Ability to influence or control people and events Affects How people treat one another Who controls decisions Who gets their way Forms of Power During Conflict o Resource Currency Money property employment o Expertise Currency Mechanic psychiatrist o Social Network Currency Linked to important people o Personal Currency Humor charisma o Intimacy Currency You have a special bond with someone How People Approach Conflict Conflict Styles o Avoidance most frequently used Ignore conflict through changing topic or hit and run Irritation builds to boiling point o Accommodation o Competition Deferment of goals Power and love Pursuit of own goals No consideration for others Motivated by negative thoughts Triggers defensive communication and escalation o Reactivity Emotional explosion Non strategic Triggered by lack of respect o Collaboration Mutual problem solving Yields compromise Third Party Intervention o Type of Control Third Parties Can Have Process Control arrange meetings Content Control o Interjection final decisions can vary substantially o Arbitrator makes final decision no compromise most control o Mediator offer recommendations 2 parties don t have to listen medium control o Facilitator bringing people together least control Motivational Control o Induce parties to perform actions o Punishments and rewards tangible and interpersonal o Third Party Approaches to Conflict Concern for Parties Aspirations Compensate Integrate Press Inactivity Mediator s Perception of Common Ground Integrate mutually beneficial solution sought Compensate reward or incentive Press pressure to change accept Inactivity hands off o Strategies for Successful Third Party Conflict Resolution Help avoid emotional contagion Destructive

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OSU COMM 3325 - Cultural Approaches

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